North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. BUT, the Pentagon said that for it to hit the US mainland, is still a small chance, but they could still hit S.K, Japan, and Guam.
    Adderwolf71 and mba2012 like this.
  2. So basically, it is an original AK47 (Russian). Strong and powerful, yes. But terrible accuracy (the original Russian one, not the newer Russian one or the Chinese one).
  3. Well this has grown quite alot...
  4. I geared on a AUSTRALIAN raido this morning that they are setting up missle's they know this because they have sent a satellite to watch over north korea
  5. Vh-teletubbies-even-north-korea-has-them.jpg \
    This image is from the days of Kim Jong-Il.
  6. CONGRATULATIONS, we are going are war. Japan swore to shoot down anything flying over NK air space.
  7. They can't legally do that unless they are in proper war already. It needs to be in Japanese air space for Japan to be able to shoot it down.
    SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. I mean if it go's into Japanese airspace, sorry.
  9. Why would we do that, for sushi?
  10. This thread has gone from a meme fest to dead-serious overnight. I am worried, but I know I am probably safe in Ohio, thousands of miles from NK. But I am still worried for Guam, for SK, for Japan, for Hawaii, for the West Coast. For the world.
  11. I don't see it going much further. North Korea is just testing to see how far they can go before we just shut them up. He knows if he does anything than he's screwed. I also think China is smart enough to know that what North Korea does from here is all their fault.

    I think of North Korea as a kid whose just seeing how far they can go without getting in trouble. I also think that he thinks we'll cave in eventually and no force will be needed. He's just not a smart little man..
  12. Im not so worried for China, Japan and SK, they have really good technology to take down missiles and stuff. Its been said on the news that If china stops sending Aid to NK then pretty much NK is in trouble because that is where almost all their food comes from so yeah that would stop them. Im not so worried for their huge military if you really think about it the U.N would stop anything. Think about all the countries in the world that is against NK and war all together, they could stop NK in a heart beat.

    (PS for all you haters out there im not saying "Mericans r suRpreMe wE WiLl BeAt Dem." but think about it China, Japan, SK, Europe ect.. would all join to stop them from doing anything, they dont have the technology anyone else does especially Japan)
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  13. Not only that, but their military is too large for them to be able to sustain for a long period of time. Too much food, fuel, and ammunition for them, even if China keeps giving them Aid. The distribution of it all would take too long, and would be too easy of a target for any military.
  14. I don't want anybody to go to war on North Korea.

    Their soldiers don't sign up to join their military, they are forced to join even if they don't want to.

    However if they strike first then yeah... we gotta do what we gotta do.
    WeirdManaico and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. I'm going to head over to Japan this summer for vacation.... I really hope nothing happens :(
  16. If I was throwing the world into chaos with threats to kill millions of people? Yes, I think being made fun of on the internet is acceptable backlash...

    This man is doing nothing good for this world, there is no harm in shaming a person deserving of shame.
  17. Hopefully this whole conflict is over by then.
  18. If anything is going to happen it will most likely happen in under a week.
    Good point you make there.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.