[forumgame] The New Era 2.0

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 72Volt, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. U.S.D is intrigued and would like to know more of said trade pact.
  2. Panama suggests trade pact with Japan.
  3. Excellent.
    Japan researches advanced propulsion engines. They plan to work together to reach Venus by 1965.
    Also, the trade pact is accepted graciously.
  4. Panama would lower trade tariffs on US goods and visa versa. Also agree to streamline the import/export process for both countries. Panama will put into place a 5-year favorable corporate tax status for US companies to open businesses in Panama. Panama and US consolidate copywrite and patent laws to be applicable in both countries.
  5. U.S.D Begins a side project of sending a probe to mars to gather rock samples, Project races ahead.
  6. U.S.D Accepts.
  7. Panama develops tax and financial policy to stimulate tourism industry.
  8. U.S.D Completes project on sending a probe to mars. Estimated probe return time three weeks. (Three or four forum posts :p)
    All space related research is now focused on sending men to mars.
  9. You already sent men to mars?

  10. Panama begins worldwide tourism marketing program.
    mba2012 and jacob5089 like this.
  11. U.S.D Begins research on a reliable fuel solution for advanced propulsion engines.
    Research on biologically altering oil begins.
  12. No i sent a probe :3 This probe will discover a new type of ore which i have lots of plans for. I haven't advanced enough to land on a planet or other celestial body yet, Japan has.

    (Edit) Mars probe has returned and yields a new type of metal. Study begins
  13. :eek:
    Nevermind. I have been to mars. Ignore me.
    I still sent a probe out and got ores though........

    Breaking News.
    U.S.D leader declared to have short-term memory loss.
  14. Interesting...
    Japan finishes new engines and sends a man to Venus.
  15. After a freak accident the U.S.D's research on altered Oil is combined with the mars ore designated "Eridium" (Borderlands 2 ftw) Incredibly unstable compound is created. Studies revealed when used in an average car that got 40 mpg. Mpg was increased to 90mpg.

    New oil has been named Eridith Oil.
    (EDIT) It also glows purple.....i like details.
  16. Ah, glad we have that trade pact.
    Spenser6 likes this.
  17. It is asked for samples of the oil to be sent to Japan to make them stable.
  18. U.S.D Distributes 20 thousand drums of Eridith to Panama, Japan and the U.K. after discovering incredibly small amounts of Eridium are needed to create Eridith

    Eridith shown to have no adverse effects on the environment, Eridium seemes to cancel out the negative effects of oil on the environment. However in non distilled form Eridium is shown to have slightly radioactive properties. Said properties are deemed to low to be of concern.

    U.S.D Rapidly becoming world leader in clean energy.
  19. Japan does not trust Eridium. They run many tests on it and find it is slightly radioactive. It is then discovered that its radioactivity increases tenfold each week. It is urgently warned to stop using all Eridium immediately.