A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. I got another vampire.
  2. It didn't give me an alert for it so I didn't see it.
  3. Nice! I have a few thuweds.
    Did you see my post on your wall?
  4. It's a harvest dragon.
    Does anyone have a male spitfire hatchie?
    That would help.
  5. Got it, thank you!
  6. I'm egg and hatchling locked. :mad:
    battmeghs likes this.
  7. I know, it's the worst feeling!
  8. lol, I just got a 3rd gen deadline bronze.. xD (Info: Deadlines are dragons whom do not contain a full lineage as a line of dragons have been killed for one reason or another, and the lineage info for the dead dragon has rolled out of the system.)
  9. *drools*
  10. lol, if you sit around in the DC IRC channel, you might end up getting some random free dragons too.. xD
  11. Awesome drag! I just wish my drags would start growing! Now to brainstorm names for all these guys.
  12. There, I clicked all your eggs.
  13. Spent 20 minutes then got bored of listening to people argue about twilight...
  14. When was that? I haven't seen anything about twilight..xD
  15. i went and got me some eggehs. :3
    SpaceShuttleFan and autumnrain26 like this.