A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Lols, thanks for the egg autumn. I like the color :)
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  2. Spring seasonals have officially started!
  3. Yes but when he gives away an egg, there are certain strings attached. So I cannot.
  4. J
    How I get those.
  5. When you breed a seasonal egg ( winter, summer, fall, spring ) they will hatch and become a dragon that represents that season. I can't really post a picture now.
  6. How I get one,
  7. the ap.
  8. When my other CB Winter grows up, I will breed you a spring.. :3
  9. I love my new gold! New batch of 5 eggs time
  10. Grabbed 5, 3 Moonstones Drags, 1 Sunstone Drag, and a Swallow Tail Drag. I just love how sun and moonstones look. This should be a good batch.
  11. Thank you :)
  12. Get 50 adult dragons and you can have 5 eggs.
    200 Adult drags: 6 eggs
    500 Adult drags: 7 eggs

    7 eggs is max. You also get trophies for each tier in the order, Bronze, Silver, Gold, respectively.
  13. Sorry for double post, but 1000th post! Wooooo0000OOO0000ooooot! Awesome guys, I will give something away when I think of what!
  14. Nope, 1000th post!
  15. I just got a CB Magma!!!!

    I'm so happy happy happy! Woot Woot!

  16. You deleted a post and then claimed the 1000th, troll.
  17. How do you. Have five eggs,,,
  18. Well I can have actually 6 eggs at a time (I have over 200 adults) and as to how..Terr explained it as did I in an earlier post.

    So, one more time...

    The number of adult dragons determines how many eggs you can have a given time.
    Less 50 = 4 eggs
    5o+ = 5 eggs
    200+ = 6 eggs
    500+ = 7 eggs

  19. Already answered this :/
  20. Eb wi0j, xen mud0 ev 0ei bden juihaud? Ted'k kocc kxo foefco nxe ted'k bden, rik 0ei sud jirkc0 xadk ak.
    Xenonrai likes this.