A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Sorry but when does the APG start again?
  2. 10 days. Can we work out a trade for that gold dragon?
  3. I believe that would violate the trading contract? Check with Red_Spy1 and then we'll talk about a trade.

    EDIT: I cannot trade this away.
  4. xD, apparently we have internet at my mother's house...
    Anything happened while I was away for 2 days?
  5. This isn't even red spys thread.
  6. Two of my stripes grew up. Also, my other striped and vampire are girls. :D
  7. Nice! I'm missing the blue myself... Also, I was giving mineneetsroblox some eggs but he's been egglocked with two deep sea (the black/purple ones) and a moonsilver thing, so I'm dumping a magi, a glory, a turpentine, and sunset/sunrise. Anyone comment here if they want one of em. Gonna dump in 2 hours.
  8. Can I see what a glory looks like?
  9. Everyone seems to like ponies theses days...
  10. Hey, you can't blame me for anything.
  11. No, you know what, I like ponies too...ish
  12. Don't be afraid. Admit that you love ponies.
  13. Xenonrai: GIMME A HUG PONY
    Pony: image.jpg
    607 likes this.
  14. Day glory / night glory

    If they hatch between 8pm and 8am they're night glories, and between 8am and 8pm day glories. Got 2 night hatchies ATM.
  15. I got another vampire egg. :D
  16. Another one? I need to look at the pile o' abandoned eggs.
  17. Whats with all the gifs autumn?
  18. ...boredom...
    Creeper655 likes this.
  19. I'd like them. Idk if I'm egg locked.