Ok, i have a question for all the bronys in EMC: What IS a brony? If it's a male who likes my little pony, i'm a brony.....
Why yes it is. Can I ask something? Umm... I watched my little pony but couldnt see what was so interesting about it :/
I'm pretty sure there is some kind of difference between liking the show and being a brony. I've always seen it as you're not a brony unless you're part of the "community," though I don't know if that's accurate. Maybe it's a personal belief, you're not a brony until you acknowledge yourself as one. Nothing wrong with being one, of course, it's a good show with (some) good communities.
You could not be more right with that (Some) XD I have seen things that cannot be unseen......always be specific with google my children.
To each their own. However at least you attempted to watch it before making a judgment. I cannot stand it when people say bad stuff about the show when they haven't even attempted to watch it. So thank you good sir you have my respect
I think I've already answered this question comprehensibly here. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/ponies-a-guide.22130/
I've found an interest in MLP, but I am a girl, and probably the appropriate age to like this, can I join?
You sure can! Brony is actually a gender neutral term you know, and there isn't really an age limit either.