I dunno if we can blame all the Dragon Cave stuff but I noticed I am also getting ads for Dragons of Atlantis now. "GET THREE SSDs FREE." and ads for Centurylink which is my ISP.
What's wrong, blind Empire Minecraft user? You haven't fallen victim to the bandwagon effect, have you?
copherfield, copherfield, copherfield! Am I cursed yet? Haha. Anyway HylianNinja is right (Although it does sound like something from Harry Potter ). If you fear his name, then he succeeded. There have been worse people in the world than someone who failed at whatever he did (I really only remember his long rant). And besides, It's just a name. Back on topic: I have adblock, but before I used to get server hosting ads and whatever Google says I love.
I used to run ad block, however, it always derps after a day or two and completely ignores my white-list. Which is annoying because I support several sites with their ads and when adblock decides to ignore my white-list, the sites get no revenue.. But the ads I have been getting: RackSpace The Settlers Online GameManager PrepareWise SoftLayer
I get the ads on my nexus. I see the monkey bread a lot. Just now I have one inviting me to sue my bank...
No one is actually afraid at him, SoulPunisher cursed his name, so we just find it fun to call him "He who shall not be named" or whatever.
Turned off Adblock. Google disturb me... "Find hot single mums today!" "Single chinese ladies waiting for a date" "The St. Helen's strip club" (My local strip club...I know where it is...) "Durex 'For him, for her'" (Wait...what? 0-e) The only normal one i've got is an ad for Rackspace.
But...but... I'm the only one who uses my computer 0.0 I flip one when somebody uses it. The last time I let somebody use my old computer, it died the next day. I don't know if advertisements are based around what people on your network look at... What's my dad been doing on the iPad? 0-e
ads are only generated by the things you look up, the websites you visit, and so on. like mine, Nikon cameras.
I don't... I wouldn't... Why the hell is Google reccomending condoms to a kid who's a month away from 13?