The Empire Minecraft Mod

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by A_Dolphin, Feb 18, 2013.

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  1. Yes lol.

    Also I noticed that when I spawn EdmundWayne, Max, IcC, Davie and Justin kill him. :/ Wut?
    mba2012, AlexHallon and RainbowChin like this.
  2. Well, it's clearly some sort of plot amongst the senior staff.
    What else could it be lol?
  3. So i'm minding my own business right? I am building a neat little hut up on this hill. I brutally murdered a bunch of Edmundwayne's and got a Bat leth weapon thing (That's pretty cool btw) and then Justin comes out of nowhere and beats the crap out of me -_- XD
    (I think Justin has the TF2 skin)
  4. Yeah, he's TF2 Engineer.

    Why put it on PMC when it's EMC? I could understand if it was just random new mobs added but the mobs added are EMC. Some random person who had no idea of EMC would be like "Why download this?"
    mba2012 and Spenser6 like this.
  5. Yeah well he brutally murdered me :p
    I later caught him so that i could keep an eye on him. >_<
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. Pics or it didn't happen.
  7. I will have them within the next few minutes.
  8. I found out why you won't breed with yourself(that's normal, right?) Turns out that when you right-click an eye of ender, it uses it to find the stronghold. Want to choose a different item that doesn't do something else when you use it?
    Will fix
  9. Lol, maybe we could change it to iron? Since i drop iron armor maybe i should use Iron to breed myself. (WOW that sounds weird)
    Here is the picture of my pet Justin....
    Justin the Murderer.jpg
    jacob5089, mba2012 and nick5013 like this.
  10. Is it like that just for Spenser? I was curious and tried to breed Pandas with Pandas and she wouldn't breed with sugarcane or soup.
  11. Whoops, left out some code I didn't know I had to add, will be patched in next update. Stoopid me
  12. Edmund attacks all hostile mobs.
  13. I will be the most evil baby there!
    Please tell me when im added!
  14. I really want this mod, but i'm clueless on how to download mods D:
  15. Use Magic Launcher. It makes it ten times easier.
    Download it and all you do is download the mod/mods you want.
    Then all you have to do is click the mod you want once you have downloaded MagicLauncher and you're good to go!
    I use it for Rei's minimap and Optifine :3
    And the EMC mod too of course
    607 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  16. this is what happens every time i get out of the loop... amazing awesome things. This is a great mod.. fun to play around with.
  17. Exactly.
    Download Magic Launcher.
    In your %appdata% folder make a folder called mods.
    Place downloaded mods in folder.
    Open Magic Launcher and choose Set Up.
    If a mod in the list at the bottom says Internal Mod make sure to click Add and choose that mod from the mods folder to add it to the top list.
    Make sure they are in order. Press OK.
    Log In and play.
  18. Ermm, you didnt fix the health count, though XD
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