Debate/Argue Thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by EvilServerAdmin, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. It always surprises me just how few words 1,000 words really is. It probably wouldn't be too hard to write 1,000 words about a single picture, if it's got enough going on.

    Could be fun to try out some time.
  2. Ill drag some up for you. ;)
  3. I've actually heard of Dietrch Bonhoeffer and read about him, but I don't know whats amazing of a resistance and preacher, courageous for taking out a wise and very smart man? I honestly don't know how that is any good. In fact everyone who died for their "Country" really breaks no sweat on me as land is land and will always remain and be land no matter what name or anything you put on it same with humans will be humans no matter what you do to them but Science and Technology look very different dependent of how you treat it. Moreover lets mention 9/11 When that happened I was amazed not at the amount of people who died but at the fact someone proved that those twin towers where in fact breakable just like I told many of my friends in my youth one day someone going to bust those things down and we will see how "Powerful" those things really are, But now we know and now we can make a new improved design with such failure. Although I understand those where built to battle against its current strongest craft but than again the future was not though about, now we can think of the future ahead of us before building anything and if it fails we just try again. Also many here have said there are 7 Billion+ humans that is way too many humans to cry for a few of them, like seriously at least donate 100 of them to science there are just wayyyy to many to be crying for a few.

    ummm, 60 Million out of 2.3 Billion you still had 2.29 Billion now we have 7 Billion explain how losing 60 million people is any bad? those 60 million who died left 60 million others fit in the world and yet we have 7 billion, very large population with a deficit in employment.

    Many things that are happening these days like 9/11, Japans Tsunami, Earth Quakes, the Recent Meteor in Russia and scientist saying the world would end in 2012 just means the world needs a new re-balance and some people gotta go like now I'm very sure those will get replaced pretty quick anyways. Catastrophe 2 Billion people died, 4 - 5 years later now we are at 10 Billion, too many need to re-balance 4 Billion die 8 Billion come back now we are at 14 Billion people, its simply Natural selection and world balance.
  4. So, I think there is a fundamental difference in how we view that sanctity of life. While mathematically and logically it does seem like in the grand sceme of things 60 million lives doesn't really matter. That lives expended on advancement for the living seems reasonable. However, when you zoom down a bit on each of those individual lives, every person had a mother, a father, people they loved and people that loved them. Each person that died in WWII left behind at least one, if not multitudes, of grieving people. They gave up their lives for a better cause, the protection of those they loved. From afar, it seems as though 60 million lives does not matter, but imagine that it was someone you loved, or yourself who was dying. It completely changes how you look at death. I firmly believe that you cannot place a price on a human life.
    HurferDurfer1 likes this.
  5. well I think this is going nowhere anymore so I'm just going to end this discussion with my view Value. If I was told to price everything alive to science and technology I could easily do it and if I had to choose between some one I "Love" & Science and Technology's advancement I'd choose in Science & technology in a snap of thought.

    Now to rectify some thoughts, I know children have been involved in these events discussed in this conversation but I'm not taking them into mind and I'm not involving myself in a discussion where they are present as subject.
  6. Those who adhere the the religion I adhere to do not see the bible as a sum total, but rather as a story of salvation over time. It is divided into two parts, Old and New Testament. Some parts of this book were written over five thousand years ago, in different cultures and social and moral standards.

    From that perspective, to assume that the people five thousand years ago have the same knowledge, understanding or cultural background as we do is to make a poor assumption. It is therefore, from that standpoint, not necessarily logical to assume that everything said in the bible is to be taken literally, or applies to our current situation, or is entirely consistent.

    Jesus himself said that in times past polygamy was allowed because of he hardness of their hearts, but that is no longer to be the case. Jesus changes things, and gives true meaning to the original laws of the Old Testament Bible.

    Examples of Changes:

    Polygamy - Monogamy
    Having a single temple building - Each person (spirit and body) is a temple of God
    Passover - Lent and Easter
    Rules of outer purification (not eating pork included) - Focus on inner purification
    Eating the flesh of sacrificed animals - Eating the flesh of our sacrificed God

    That is not to say that some Christians see things differently, and may indeed try to apply all statements in the Bible equally, so your argument may be germain to people with those convictions.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  7. That doesn't sound disturbing at all...
  8. PandasEatRamen likes this.
  9. It is disturbing. When Jesus said, "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you shall not have life within you," the people of his time were shocked and dismayed.
  10. Holy crap, Christians are zombies and vampires!
  11. It's ok. He makes it look like bread and wine, so we won't be grossed out.
  12. ummm, Well this statement here explains School systems at 100% also explains why People with Down syndrome sound so smart. Also explains why we don't even separate them into different classes, all we do now is give them privileges to special tutoring within the school, Than again I'm not amazed in fact just baffled that someone could admit it so palpable.
  13. Did you reply to the wrong post? What you said makes no sense in reference to what I had said.
    cddm95ace and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Nope I did not, the fact that you did not understand what I said equally to what you quoted isn't my fault.
  15. I don't find this so shocking. There's actually some logic to it. Many cultures believe that when you eat something you in some way ingest the essense of that being and might take on some of its characteristics. Remember that Christ was to be sacrificed, and I believe in those times it was customary to eat what was sacrificed. But I doubt if interpreting it is that simple.

    I think Christ said this at the Last Supper. Given the context and the fact that he was announcing that he was to be sacrificed, I see a certain logic to his using this sort of metaphor. And metaphor is what I feel it was intended to be.

    They weren't meant to eat or drink his physical body then, any more than we are meant to do it now when we eat crackers and wine. That's all symbolism. I think the real intent of this statement is that we should nourish ourselves spiritually and strive for those those good qualities that made him Christ-like to make them a part of ourselves. "Life within you", would be spiritual life.

    The texts we read today in the Bible have been translated multiple times, by different people of different cultures and times. It could be idiom inserted by whoever wrote that. They may only have intended it to be mean something along the lines of "knowing you like the back of my hand", or "follow you as closely as your shadow".

    There are not many things in the Bible I take literally. Although divinely inspired, all of it was written by well meaning, but fallible men and needs to be interpreted with their knowledge of nature, their cultures, times, and desires in mind.
  16. And Hope in Humanity was Restored! :D
  17. I agree that it is logical. That particular quote is not from the Last Supper, but was made prior to it. I do not have the exact reference at the moment. The Last Supper was a confirmation, in my eyes, of his earlier statement.

    It was John 6:23. "So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
    Pab10S likes this.
  18. I certainly wasn't blaming you for anything. Just couldn't see the connection. That just happens sometimes.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  19. I know you weren't blaming me and I've never seen that happen. Well I lied I've seen it happen too many time xD and its just hilarious to watch and laugh at.