Blind. I have good hearing and can walk a decent amount of a known area without my eyes before crashing. (True fact) Would you rather have superpowers and live a short, but honorable life, or live a long, miserable one?
ICC, because I could kill him and harvest his ice cream. Would you rather have mistborn powers or be and American vampire?
Aikar... He seems smart, sorry IcC Would you rather go back in time and meet your ancestors, or go into the future and meet your descendants?
Real bar of gold. Gold is ugly :I I prefer Silver. Would you rather be stuck in a dome underwater or a dome in pitch black darkness?
Underwater. You close the light on me while I am in a basement I will piss myself on the spot. Would you rather be stung by 100 bees at once, or live in an outhouse for 3 days?