Call of duty black ops 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by facu12301, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Plan on it, once I get more familiar the game
  2. do you play PS3
  3. Try it now! Wanna add me as a friend?
  4. I will BUMP this because I think I am awesome.
  5. I will BUMP this because I think I am awesome.
  6. No I play Xbox
  7. Don't bump threads that old please. If you do, provide new info or something.

    If any of you play on Xbox, check me out on Elite or send me a msg on Xbox. (Gamertag in my sig)
    Also for Zombies, I hate getting deranked! I was skull with knife and black eyes and got deranked to skull with black eyes, just because I got booted out of a really good game! (Host Migration) Anyways, nvm.
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  8. I bump it not so often so I think is ok
  9. Of course BF3 doesn't have Zombie mode because why would it copy Call of Crappy?

    Also to the haters... Why are you hating? I admit it. I'd slapped my friend to reality that bf3/planetside 2 is way better than CoD but don't attack their thread. They just wanna talk to other people who like the game and not be insulted by others who don't agree. Show some respect guys. Because.. Were better than the typical CoD players xD
  10. It's not okay because no new info has been updated. It's like JustinGuy putting the thread about SMP3 Launching on the front page... That makes no sense because there is no new info to be posted since we already know.
  11. I already had this discussion with another member. I never insulted Anyone or anything. I just want to defend my side
    IamSaj likes this.
  12. I know you didn't insult anyone. I was talking to the people who were bashing on CoD
  13. While you go onto say:

    You ask people to respect others while I think you should have some respect to CoD players. Everyone has opinions I think PS2 is rubbish, bad graphic, gameplay and lag. I've never played BF3 and dont intend to. I dont have a clue about BF2 so I dont say anything bad about it. And if you are asking for people not attack the thread they just want to talk
    Thats what this thread is for, not talk about the faults or about the people who dont like it but the people that do play and what they like about it and if they want to play together.
    IamSaj likes this.
  14. Right.. after seeing the new topic about BO II emblems I thought lets look for another post :O
    I found this, but then I started to see a war/endless discussion about CoD vs. BF.. Silly, its like Mac vs. PC or RS vs WoW...
    To be on topic on this, lets say I've always been a BF player (even on PS2 nfell, there were no better graphs back then, ofc it ... right now. )
    but beside that I bought BO II, why cus I never hated CoD, the thing is, they hardly change that much stuff so why pay 50,- each game? And I haven't spoke about the DLC's.. I bought premium for BF3 I know.. but I don't think I will for CoD after a few months..

    Anyway to be really on topic

    I love BO II, I do chaos morphit, why? Cus I mostly play it with friends, because they r also needed in COD ( aka a team), not only BF.. Besides starting a discussion for this..
    ( HQ and HP - wich one's they don't like r TDM or FFA,( only SnD in league ) but sometimes I do that alone :) )

    I LOVE Standoff, a great map, I always hated hijacked, but... After raping that map so much I started to love it! :D
    Besides MP Im not really that huge fan for Zombies, but I love Green Run Town, again with friends :D
    I like all maps, beside carrier, rly never. NEVER.

    Oh right, im on PC, no1 else? :s