[Suggestion] Rupees for Membership?

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Crazy1800, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. Full Support.

    I still rather pay $20 I won't pay than 350k I'll never pay :p

    I don't think many players will be able to buy membership with Rupees and if they do I doubt they could do it for a large period of time.

    So, I don't think it'll make EMC's monthly gain drop.(After a month or two)
    facu12301 and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  2. If I read the OP correctly, the suggestion is to make Supporter Status available for a sizeable ingame amount of Rupees.

    Straight answer in my mind is 'No' - because you're not supporting the servers with real cash, which is ultimately what they need.

    It'd also have the opposite effect in that people would stop paying for Supporter and instead get it with Rupees. There are lots of rupees around in peoples pockets right now.

    I'm noticing a lot more Supporters around these days - EMC is obviously doing something right. There's no need to change something that isn't broken. I'm all for introducing perks that can be bought with Rupees, but not actual Supporter levels or anything that infringes on paid for with cash perks. It just devalues the cash alternative.
  3. I do support this idea, but I think that those who pays with real money should have all the benefits they have now, and those there buys with rupees should have limited?

    That will make it fair for those who donates to the server :)
    607 likes this.
  4. I think that this is a good and terrible idea.

    maybe it should be 50,000 rupees for only the feature to /map hide and join when servers are full and that they would get they're own little color.
  5. What about collecting stuff and selling to supporters for free rupees?
    Isn't that supporting?
    What else could supporters do with the free rupees?
    You see what is happening with rupees within last few months...

    Yes, and it won't get better until there is something to buy for them - especially for non-supporters!

    How does it devalue it? I don't really see it. If you buy it for cash, or you first buy rupees and then buy it for rupees, how is it devalued?

    If you are talking about perks around the game - like color, group name etc, then yes.
    If you are you talking about in-game advantages over other players - then no.
  6. I really like the basis of the idea - and if it weren't for a few factors, I think it would be great.

    1) As said above, this would reduce the revenue coming into the server - as I can confirm it is more than possible to make 300k a month (not that it is easy / fun though).

    2) Being able to buy this temporarily would encourage people to jump in / jump out of supporter-ship. The vault idea has already been modified to 25-50-100 for supporter levels, and the wild vault (if it goes forward) would be available to anyone for 1,000,000 rupees. I'd hate to see something that appears designed specifically for people to claim 4 lots, and then stop - at least until we start the reset process.

    Still, I could definitely see the ability to buy iron supporter, or maybe even gold.

    Iron supporter could reasonably be 50,000 rupees.

    Gold giving access to another lot, I'd want to see in the 250k range. The people who bought it would effectively be buying it for a free second lot on an account. I'd like to see it have a high cost.
  7. Most Supporters don't Support to get Rupees. The majority of them Support for the hide ability, the extra Res's, access to Utopia, etc.

    I rarely spend my Rupees unless I'm working on a project, which is one reason why there are so many big wallets about today - nothing for Supporters to spend their Rupees on. (Not including the latest Vault addition mind)

    I see what you're getting at in terms of free supporters indirectly supporting the server by providing the goods to buy, but Supporters go and get their own resources too. At the end of the day, it's the Supporters that are putting their own cash into EMC.

    With the upcoming Wild Protection, Wild to Town Portals, etc, there are plenty of ways inbound to really sink your Rupees into.

    As for what you could buy with Rupees being a non-Supporter, then yes, it would only be cosmetic stuff or stuff that didn't give you an unfair advantage.
  8. Consider that this 300k need to come from somewhere :)
    So if there are not enough supporters who pay for free rupees, it would be increasingly hard to make that 300k.
    The system would balance itself out pretty soon :)

    I'd expect that this would even bring more supporters overall, not less.
    Prices need careful thought, of course - and can be adjusted if needed.

    I think it is more straight forward to just price relevant perks.
    For the color, channel and membership of the "privileged group," this could remain exclusive for cash supporters or rather expensive when paid for in rupees.
  9. If this is really so, then free rupees could be reduced to reduce inflation and in-game advantages.

    Map hide will become almost irrelevant as soon as the live map system gets updated.
    Possibly the /map show would become the wanted and sell-able perk.

    More residences and Utopia's wild: if supporters don't really need free rupees to buy stuff, then they could pay extra residences and access with them?
    Wouldn't that be fair enough?
    What is with "etc" - the other perks?

    Perhaps because they like clean and honest fair-play game?

    This would be the opposite of the idea to give non-supporters the chance to reach the same in-game status / rights as supporters through collecting (reasonable amount of) resources for them - or providing other services.
  10. I full support this since I'm pretty lucky I was able to convince my parents to let me get gold. I will most likely be a free member next month.
  11. Are u saying if I buy diamond supp with rupees I will get 1300r a day? Then the costs will be reduced 40k that is what a diamond supporter get in a month
  12. I like this idea. But, to minimize players, we could have a specific day limit. Something like this.

    Iron - 200 days, 62,500 rupees
    Gold - 300 days, 125,000 rupees
    Diamond - 400 days, 312,500 rupees

    This gives people who have stayed with the Empire for a while something to do, and others who have joined something to work for. The price is pretty high, and most people would blow it off, as they would only make profit from it if they had a shop.
  13. I feel that EMC really does need a money sink, so I support this idea - Given time it will reduce the Hyperinflation from the servers.
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  14. Agreed, but I also think that gold and diamond should not be able to be bought by using rupees. Since iron only gives a couple of perks and doesn't cost that much in real money, it should be the only donor rank able to be bought using rupees. So basically when you pay the X amount of rupees needed for the iron perks, you get the iron perks but not the same colour in-game. The reason being is because I think that people who support EMC using real money should be able to stand out more, instead of being mixed with those who are just paying rupees for the perks.
  15. I dont agree. I think we all need to have the possibility to have the perks of diamond supporters. Is very hard for a non supporter getting 300k. he can get a month of diamond supporter. He wont get in 1 month another 300k
  16. Doesn't matter if it is hard for a non supporter to get 300k, what matters is that you aren't REALLY supporting the server. Actual diamond supporters are paying real money to keep the server going. Whereas, when you pay rupees, you aren't.
    penfoldex likes this.
  17. Maybe people have the option to buy only one month of each support, to see if they like it, and then the aren't able to get an other month with paying real life money.
  18. I like the limiter aspect of your suggestion, so that people can't constantly buy it with rupees.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Yes, because then people wouldn't support EMC anymore.
  20. Diamond supportership for a month is a prize for effort. Not all ppl get 300k without being supporters
    Equinox_Boss likes this.