Can boys and girls be friends...?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 1, 2013.


Do you think boys and girls can be friends?

Yes 103 vote(s) 90.4%
No 11 vote(s) 9.6%
  1. just about ALL my friends are girls. i have an easier time with women than i do guys :p

    andi got moved to the front on my bus because i somehow got the girl i sit with to talk about the "upper" part of the body, and my bus driver freaked, all i said was "she started talking about it first" XD

    but the 7 guy friends i have, are not on my team :p
  2. Yeah, I mostly hang out with guys at my high school.
    Girls have too much DRAMA. :confused:

    p.s. yes, i am a girl if that wasn't obvious
    britbrit3197 likes this.
  3. the girls at my school accept me for who i am.
    The boys tell me i don't do crap
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  4. I am not even joking, this entire time I thought you were a guy.
  5. tell me about it, the girls i know though, before they talk about the uh.. " cycle of life" they give me a heads up, so i know to move away xD
  6. >_< meh.
    :rolleyes: I know better, than to try.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  7. Only if they want to be. ;)
  8. Also, this is high school. I think its harder the younger you are.
    One of my best friends in elementary school developed a crush on me, and it got kinda awkward because he did not want to take no for an answer. Then we didn't see each other all of middle, then in 9th grade i started talking to him again, and he still did, so i stopped being friends with him, until this year as seniors; and he appears to be over it.
  9. im in middle school. the funny thing about my problem, the girl i like likes me. she shows it to often :p i just play like i dont notice.
  10. Well yes, but, under certain circumstances, you are friendzoned.
  11. for some odd reason, all the girls at my school love me, the guys just dont care :p

    its funny though, last year i was asked out by every 8th grade girl in my school. i denied all of them.
  12. Alright dude I just got out of your position that you are or were in. And the honest answer is yes but you have to be careful when you get to liking her. Or if there are any females him. Also, it's best to ask them in person not on the phone. Kinda of a dooshy move. But if your a girls it's fine so ask away.
  13. So, you're saying that's its not okay for a guy to ask over the phone; but its cool if a girl does it?
  14. It makes me mad any time anyone thinks that friends shouldn't date. That's beside the point.

    If you're falling in love with every girl you interact with, it's not actually love.. but that's a really complicated thing that I don't want to explain. As a normal, balanced person, you can be friends with anyone. Unfortunately, people stopped being balanced sometime around 1990. I blame the internet, personally.

    If you like her and she likes you, and there's actually a connection between the two of you, a more serious (but certainly not rushed) relationship would not destroy your friendship, but strengthen it.

    Now, I'm not going to say that this will apply to everyone, but all the lasting relationships around me were built gradually, starting from friendship. What's life if not for learning, and you can't learn by twiddling your thumbs.
  15. Yeah boys and girls can be friends. Over half my friends are boys/men because i seem to have more in common with them then girls (video games, hate pink, cant stand crying xD). We all hang out with each other play video games a lot and get along great and we are all "Just friends" i cant see myself dating any of them their like brothers to me we've all been through a lot.

    On a side note i find its better to be friends with a girl before you date her, so you know shes not defective and that you really like her and can get along with her.
    mba2012 and sonicol1 like this.
  16. Well the fact that her skin is a guy doesn't really call out, "I'M A GIRL!" in big bold letters.
    SoulPunisher, mba2012 and HylianNinja like this.
  17. :( Just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I have to have a girly skin..
  18. Never said you had to.
    mba2012 and jamesg003 like this.
  19. Uh yeah kinda. That's what my ex told me so yeah.
    jamesg003 likes this.