I would like one with a black background, and red streaks in the middle and it say redwing2000 - boss time
Can I have one that: Has a White Background to a Black Backround Also Make It Say: The #1 Noob Helper
I would Like 4: Each are quite similar. They all say 15297/14799 On the Left, but more like a logo than text, and on the right, Each one says either PrinceBee/IceFirePB, TheHedorn, KeldonHoff,or Mezzer01. Also, behind the "15297/14799" there is a Beacon. The Colour is a Nice Red. Thanks!
I would like another, haha One that is pink and says Like a Boss, With Bows and flowers and pretty girly stuff ( Rainbows, Flowers, Unicorns, ect. )
I'd like another one. The background is filled with diamonds/diamond blocks, and says "Diamond hoarder"
i'll go easy on you: Something Halo related No pink or purple nothing too girly otherwise, it's ALL up to you
Haha I try not to do too girly. I'm not much of a girly girl but will do . Sorry if it takes me a few. I made so many and uploaded them yesterday that imgur keeps making me type in captchas because it apparently thinks I'm a bot.
Something related to doctor who. Time of the 10th doctor preferable. Blue of course. With a gradient.
Hey panda can I have one that says: Money Bags and it has a greenish yellow background with gold/ gold nuggets/ diamonds in a random pattern Thanks!
I have you two and two others that I will try to work on . Imgur thinks I'm a bot since I uploaded so many and I'm dealing with a massive sinus infection/cold.