"what's the justice of killing a man? And even more- would that teach the man a lesson?" Kind of already said that he won't learn if he's dead.
Depends, sometimes the quick injection or electric chair just wont do it for the murders and psychos, it needs to amount to the crime they commited, and if it was shown or made news, that would make other potential criminals think twice.
But you guys said they get let off easy with the lethal injection. How would you like sitting there watching someone pump toxins into your blood stream?
well, you wouln't be watching. They inject three toxins into you: the first one makes your muscles numb, so u can't move. the second ones puts you to sleep, so u don't have to watch. the third one stops your heart. It is painless and is WAAAY too good for murders. I say we go back to hanging people
I thought christianity teaches forgiveness. I guess I was wrong. There is footage from the trial of the Green River Killer where the family members of the victims were given a chance to speak. Of course all the people got up and told him they hated him and wanted him to suffer, and none of that affected the killer. But one man, the father of one of the victims, told the killer that he forgave his crime. This caused the Green River Killer to break down into tears and show actual remorse for what he had done.
Think about the crazies in the US. "The government is overruling! They're taking away our rights to live!" As we all know, some genius is going to come up with this theory.
I think this thread is only for Americans. Empire players from other countries (Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, NZ, etc) have gotten rid of death penalties decades ago, realizing the barbarity of it. It goes with other American anachronisms, such as unregulated guns, no universal healthcare, restrictive election laws, infringements on women's reproductive rights, etc.
Murderers and rapists are wastes of oxygen. I say someone "accidentally" release a horrid virus into a high sec. prison... Just saving some tax dollars....
I understand having opinions on things, but please, let's try not to flat out insult countries here. Especially countries that are so influential. I don't mind opinions, but saying we are barbaric is a bit too far.
This thread is mainly a question for Americans (where this controversy is), not for you to tell us how barbaric we are. Sorry we don't want to waste our tax dollars to feed and house serial killers with homes better than that of some innocent children below the poverty line. Be respectful to peoples opinions here, disrespect is for Youtube
Im beginning to support Moderator intervention right about now before this flame war heats up any more.