The New Era (RolePlay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Thought i could used other nations that are not used for small thing like that
  2. Your welcome to port in Jade Bright harbor Germany
  3. ok thanks
  4. Monaco starts designing a high powered SPG
  5. Luxembourg starts building a mass production of titanium tanks tank.jpg
  6. Vatican City writes up a new bill concerning nuclear weapons:

    Concerning all nuclear weapons/biological weapons. I pledge to dispose of all my current nuclear weapons and to never make any more. I also pledge to not use any form of biological warfare on my citizens or another country whether allied or not, forms of biological weapons include any type of gas and diseases.
  7. Germany's Anti-aircraft guns are being installed on high buildings and important government buildings. Also construction begins on a new military testing facility begins. And Germany also begins construction on a grand meeting building for the leaders of Progressia.
  8. Um, I kind of did that on your behalf since you're part of Progressia ;)
  9. meh, why not eh?
  10. Monaco finishes design and starts production of the high powered SPG. It has a 120mm gun capable of firing HEAT rounds and armor piercing rounds, and carries a browning MG.
  11. Germany begins drilling for oil, and natural gas.
  12. Canada starts work a new special tank.

    Because a smart nation would build a whole tank out of titanium.
    creepincreepers7 likes this.
  13. Indeed
  14. forgot to add its super light
  15. Germany requests a list of all of Canada's tanks and planes. I think it's a long one.
  16. That's sarcasm BTW. Titanium would do nothing to help a tank be protected from a 100MM round.
    bitmonger20 likes this.
  17. Vatican City proposes a meeting of all nations in its nation, it will be a like the U.N.
  18. So easier to knock around, right?

    Armoured Duck (Still don't have a better name)
    And more which I forget the name of.
  19. The Chancellor of Germany boards the flag ship of the German Navy and the rear fleet begins making it's way toward Itlay
  20. you have to note that Brazil is part of Progressia.. just I use Brazil for when it's just the people in Brazil doing... but I will ally you :)