Aikar is trying to ruin the economy again.

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Xxandster700xX, Jan 16, 2013.

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  1. Hey what res is youre mall again? Server also?
  2. FYI the problem was that the player he was selling to has a shop for "Wooden Door", apparently mojang added a new itemid for doors which is now 324, but "Wooden Door" is 64.

    The proper sign needs to be "Wood Door" as /iteminfo says.

    Not sure why they did this heh....
    B4DMAN5IMON, smile3 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  3. Guys Aikar figured it all out. With some update there where wooden doors and wood doors. Idk what the whole thing is with it so go ask Aikar if you want to know.
  4. I am honored to have you post this many times on a single thread of mine.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  5. I can hold back on a lot of stuff...but when something makes so little sense, it's hard for me to contain myself sometimes, lol.
  6. I'm curious how you "lost" 700k rupees. Or are you referring to loss as a failure to see possible profits? I mean, I could understand that. But ya can't claim ignorance :D

    You could have easily sold those materials to someone else as well. :p
    FrozenForger and Gap542 like this.
  7. Oh well if you want to post spam even that is legendary.
  8. I'm honestly confused by this. I can understand that you don't want resellers at your shop because you want the resources to be available for those who need them to build - but how do you lose rupees to resellers?

    If my sign is setup for B 8: S 6 - it doesn't matter who buys or sells to it. If someone buys all my blocks for 8 rupees and resells them, how is that any different than if 40 people buy them all individually and use them?

    Edit: Good lord the replies.
    Xxandster700xX likes this.
  9. All stores with "brands" in them buy from a company an item, then resell it for profit. Your common super market will do this. Brand names like Crest for toothpaste/toothbrushes, they've bought from the company Crest, to resell for profit. It is probably possible to buy directly from the seller on the internet, but it'd take longer.

    Reselling is everywhere.. If you've bought anything from Newegg, you're paying newegg to sell you someone elses product. It's Economy.
  10. I just wish I had 700k to lose in the first place.
  11. When villager trading was at it best, i forgot all about it. So basicly people could buy one emerald for 30rupees, make them into 3 glowstone, sell them to me for 18 each. That is 24r earned each emerald the player bought. So 4 DB for glowstone ready made me loose around 120k. People repeating this... hurts
    smile3 likes this.
  12. *Goes to crest's website*
    *Buys 500 tubes of toothpaste to save ## cents a piece*
    Thats right, outsmarted you walmart!
    As a mega mall owner, its your job to be on top of things :/
    oremia and Maxarias like this.
  13. Hypocritical: Your chests both buy an sell. You should ban yourself from your own residence.
    Doubly hypocritical: You're well known for rupee bombing auctions. Again, for resale.
    Then there's this:

    I wonder why you aren't using some of the sand you have in the chest across the road to make glass instead of seeking dontaions. I hope you don't re-sell the doanted glass.
    Is there anything you stock that you actually have mined or crafted? Feel free to ban me from 1111 for pointing this out. I just checked and only three people have move perms right now there anyway so I'm already banned.
  14. Or rise the prices of the things they buy for resell.. You wouldn't buy something if they can't make a profit.. If they can make a profit It's low then. Raise prices,keep stock still get business
  15. So, I'm assuming you don't have any shops that BUY items from people right? If you do, you're going against what you are against. Buying items from someone and then reselling them for a higher price, only you're doing less work than the people you're banning from your res.
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  16. Sorry if It's non-sense. Read above /\
  17. So all mall owners are resellers ? Come on...
    And pab, the materials i have bought is for building my 3 HUGE projects on EMC .
    Building a big good looking mall, working on stocking stuff every day makes you deserve the profit. Not the players filling their inventory from other shops and then vault it to smp1 and go sell it all to me
    Xxandster700xX likes this.
  18. Just for the heck of it!
    EDIT: These are all just rando...:D

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  19. hey don't think it is aikar may be there is glitches like the options button when u push it minecraft crashes
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