If I haven't done your order yet please just quote this post with your order. Quote your order too please into the post. Thanks! -nfell2009
IGN: BobTheTomato9798What you want: A background for my computer (1366 x 768)Any theme of it?: TomatoesPromo code: None Currently (This is not a promo code -.-) Let me know on the cost!
IGN: 72Volt, as it says beside this post.What you want: Inanimate SignatureAny theme of it?: I want me in my skin (which you can see at the bottom-right of my profile pic) sitting comfortably on top of a large red-velvet gold throne. I want a lava bucket in my right hand and a gold ingot in the left. I want my head to be perched on my left hand (the one clenching the ingot) and I want a cheesy, condescending superior grin. Below my throne I want my name written in the most stylish and sophisticated font you can find. To each side of my throne also on top of my name, I want two bookshelves filled with books, one labelled 'Economics' on a gold plaque on the bookcase, and another labelled 'Politics', again on a gold plaque. Beside my name on each side, I want classical statues, decreasing in height the further away they are from the centre, where I am. In the background, I want a large lava wall surrounding it all.I'm getting such value for my money ^_^
Order Form: 2 orders - Pateraterick & for my friends Dark_Magic_ IGN: ^^^^ What you want: Signature Any theme of it?: impress me! Promo code: FIRST3DAYS
IGN: CaptainkittykinsWhat you want: Could you do something like this but with my skin? :3 its okay if you cant, but it would be amaazinggggg <3 also for a signature