nfell's Graphic Shop!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by nfell2009, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Nfell are you ever going to get to my order?
  2. Off topic abit...
    How do you make your text?
  3. If I haven't done your order yet please just quote this post with your order. Quote your order too please into the post.

    Thanks! -nfell2009
  4. IGN: BobTheTomato9798
    What you want: A background for my computer (1366 x 768)
    Any theme of it?: Tomatoes
    Promo code: None Currently (This is not a promo code -.-)


    Let me know on the cost!
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. Nfell? When are you going to do my order?
  6. Just mind reposting it? You can use the promo code still :)
  7. IGN: 72Volt, as it says beside this post.
    What you want: Inanimate Signature
    Any theme of it?: I want me in my skin (which you can see at the bottom-right of my profile pic) sitting comfortably on top of a large red-velvet gold throne. I want a lava bucket in my right hand and a gold ingot in the left. I want my head to be perched on my left hand (the one clenching the ingot) and I want a cheesy, condescending superior grin. Below my throne I want my name written in the most stylish and sophisticated font you can find. To each side of my throne also on top of my name, I want two bookshelves filled with books, one labelled 'Economics' on a gold plaque on the bookcase, and another labelled 'Politics', again on a gold plaque. Beside my name on each side, I want classical statues, decreasing in height the further away they are from the centre, where I am. In the background, I want a large lava wall surrounding it all.
    I'm getting such value for my money ^_^
  8. I dont do skin animation (As of yet)
  9. I don't want a skin or an animation.
  10. Well, I cant make your skin move etc although I can do the editing of the making the picture
  11. Order Form: 2 orders - Pateraterick & for my friends Dark_Magic_
    IGN: ^^^^
    What you want: Signature
    Any theme of it?: impress me!
    Promo code: FIRST3DAYS
    nfell2009 likes this.
  12. Are you going to do it???
  13. IGN: NoahMarcusWhite
    What i want: logo (the size of cookie god's)
    Theme/background: TARDIS in space
  14. IGN: Captainkittykins
    What you want: minecraft_guy-t2.jpg
    Could you do something like this but with my skin? :3 its okay if you cant, but it would be amaazinggggg <3 also for a signature :)