IGN: Charip Style: Signature Design: Backround: Overlap: Charip (larger font would be nice) Promo Code: First3Days Idk if this will work, tell me if you have problems, i have backup designs.
I actually liked the first you made for me better.. But this is awesome! I'm not going to use it in my signature, but I'm going to pay you 500 rupees for it
Can I place an order for a logo. A need to Wolf graphics (one red, One Blue) with the words "Brotherhood of Wolves" on the bottom. I would like three words Courage, Honor, and Protect around the Outside FIRST3DAYS
' So sorry to bother you again. Is there a way to make it shorter? As in right to left. I'll pay you 100 rupees when this is done for all the trouble I've put you through.
Give me time Ok? Sounds complicated... but I think its just all the colours Yeah, how much? Or just so if you click it nothing happens? or so that it will be small in the centre part of the signature bar Im getting round to it! I have to go to school now Snow didn't close it
Order Form: 2 orders - Pateraterick & for my friends Dark_Magic_ IGN: ^^^^ What you want: sign & background Any theme of it?: impress me! Promo code: FIRST3DAYS
D: School. I'm too sick to go XD 1. Please just crop off the sides so you can just see the world. 2. Make it so nothing happens when you click. 3. Is it possible to make the whole thing actually smaller? Like scale it down. I want space left in my signature for other items.