Go home St. John's Guy, you're drunk. By the way, Soul, Northern Ireland isn't affected by the blizzards either. They way you mentioned there are blizzards in the UK but not the Republic of Ireland makes me think that if I go down south I'll get bombarded by snow... More accurately, the island of Ireland isn't affected
I'm guessing that's in Fahrenheit, because if it was in degrees you would be a block of ice and died a painful death
I really want some dumb kid to see that post and reply to it, saying: "Are you saying my anus is cold and there's people living on it?!?111?!"
Thanks for the warning I've been in the computer labs for the last 4 days, not seen much of the outside world recently Will be walking home at some point tonight and i'll make sure to wear a big jacket and gloves just in case
Before it was -2, but it's now back up to 0 degrees. Glad its at a stable 20 degrees in my house - otherwise my Axolotls would have been stressed out for a few hours be on the verge of death...
ITS -2 HERE you guys dont know what its like in IDAHO!!! Gawd its so cold im afraid of even going out my door step we just got a new roof this summer and now i have snow just falling off of it D: i openned the door and a poo ton of snow just fell D: I can go skiing in my FREAKIN BACK YARD!!!
ERMEHGERD. It's -1 and they moved snow to this friday. It's also really icy outside but it's sunny, with some fog. I say it'll snow tomorrow, it's too cold for it not to snow.