Show us your Desktop!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by _Paku, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. i think someone did this not long ago, because i remember posting mine. lol but i'll do it again. :)

    and BAM, and you thought it would be something different :p
  2. My desktop is too large to put on this thread :(

    EDIT: does anyone know how to get by this and still post it?
  3. Untitled.png
    What is your desktop?
    Why is that your desktop?
    How often do you change it?
    I had a stock one for a long time
    Made it this
    Changed it to stock for a series of presentations
    Accidentely had deleted the picture
    Too lazy to find it again
    Just changed it back to this 10 seconds ago. :D:p
    And that is all i have ever changed it.
    Are you OCD about your icons?
    I dont like having any icons in the center area
    I prefer having them around the edges

    -- (Not like my brother's though,
    His was so messy, he hid his icons so he didn't have to look at them:rolleyes:)
  4. That was me.
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. You can upload it to imgur. I did that and pasted the img link and it worked.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  6. And if you don't want to do that you can try compressing the image.
  7. I use paint most of the time :p
    vividOptimism likes this.
  8. What is paint and how do you compress and image igmur doesn't work for me it always tells me "ERROR"
  9. Right click the image.
    Open with Microsoft Office
    Click on edit picture
    Click on Compress or Resize

    If you don't have Microsoft Office or even Windows I can't help you.
  10. I belive you have rocket launcher... here is mine

    WHY is it my dt? Well it's my best chunky render for that :)
    mba2012, scarligmione and Jcplugs like this.
  11. Good Lord Jimbo those are some massive icons. Maybe it's because the bar at the bottom they're all tiny.
    battmeghs and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  12. I'm using a 13" laptop :)
    They arent that big on my screen
    PandasEatRamen likes this.

  13. Pandas made it into my desktop-----------------------------------------------------------------^
    What is your desktop? The Avengers but actually that is picture one out of 5 xD avengers, transformers, zelda, finalfantasy.

    Why is that your desktop? I like marvel and superheros xD
    How often do you change it? Not really i just have a folder of 5 that it switches between
    Are you OCD about your icons? Not really
  14. Desktop Piture.jpg
    This is my Desktop. Enjoy. *wink*

    Edit: I forgot this part
    What is your desktop? Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki.
    Why is that your desktop? Because she is an awesome Stalker Chick
    How often do you change it? At least once a week if not more.
    Are you OCD about your icons? Very Much so. The last time someone moved an icon I yelled at them for a good while.
  15. HEY There's me in the bottom corner! :D
    scarligmione and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  16. Hey I'm talking to you too Panda.....
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  17. Where is the blood?
  18. What Blood?