Oh sorry, I just went into my rupee history and found that it says under time for example Yesterday or Wednesday. I will be of course cropping the image as I have done in all the other screenshots so would you like me to include the computer date and time or is that one built into the rupee history sufficient?
I really hope I make it into the draw, this counting of extra votes is really going to make all the difference for me
Reminder, it is NOT too late! You may vote from other sites to be in the draw for 15,000r and win great gifts!
So once we have voted and registered 22 votes there is no point in registering more? Just wanted to confirm that 22 is the maximum number of votes that can be entered into the Vote-A-Thon.
I'm away from home right now so I can't get the gifts set up, just bare with me for a couple more days and they should be there for everyone to collect.
I have officially finished hosting this contest! Thank you to everyone that voted and everyone that donated towards the gifts for supporting this successful contest. You may pick up your gifts at 4138 on SMP2 and congratulations to PandasEatRamen for winning the grand prize. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.