smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Ok. 72volt. It has been made obvious that the LLO does not really want you in their boundaries. So I made a map to show where you could go.
    This new possible location is the exact same distance from spawn and it is still quite close to the LLO. So why not go there?
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  2. You probably wont find a lot of diamonds around the LLO. As for these "Wildnotes", their name implies that they are a standard in the wild, yet even the closest wild settlement to you won't need them.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Yes!
    I believe the main reason the LLO got so big (despite the epic location) is that we have almost no rules.
    Just bahave nicely, try to conserve the landscape a bit and do not build in other people's backyard.
    Basically just common sense. Another factor think was that I did not announce some big plan to build a city / an army or whatever but just invited people over to do whatever they like.

    Few rules, no conditions to become a member -> Win
  4. The desert around Volt's outpost has a rather big bit of it stripped away to smooth/sandstone.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Oh... xD
    Jakres likes this.
  6. That location seems much farther away, not that I'm advocating the execution of his plan within the LLO.

    72Volt obviously has plenty of logic, and gives these ideas a tremendous amount of thought and planning. What he lacks (from my perspective) is intuition and an innate understanding of human motivation. (sorry to use the 3rd person)

    Not to insult you (honestly!), but have you ever been diagnosed with Asperger's? (now reclassified as an autism spectrum disorder) I work with a number of people fairly brilliant people who have Asperger's-like tendencies which is why I ask. Einstein was likely in this camp...
    Jakres, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  7. Who was that directed to?
    Jakres and L0tad like this.
  8. 72Volt, sorry.
    Jakres, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  9. EMC just isn't a great place to try this all together, no matter where you try. The Rupee is used everywhere, even in the wild, so if you want to make a new player made currency, I suggest you keep it small and inside your camp.
    Jakres, zulu9, penfoldex and 2 others like this.
  10. Ok ok ok. I don't see why Volt can't try his idea. Just don't build too close too LLO... :D
    Jakres, Bu11dawg and zulu9 like this.
  11. We didn't tell him to stop his project just move away from LLO a fair distance away . LLO is not about making rupees of it and trying to hire people to collect resources. We are a Free Community with few rules to protect are selfs from other members and new member who come. This idea isn't the best interest to LLO at the least.
    Jakres, zulu9, L0tad and 1 other person like this.
  12. His little base -thingy is within the great wall.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. -_-
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  14. Well, on the topic of mental health, and Einstein...

    He had A.D.H.D, and Slight autism (i don't quite know how its is possible). I have been diagnosed whit A.D.H.D., Monophonia, and a list of other problems. I imagine that volt would have some of these problems, as we have a extremely close thought processes. A note on perspective, we would see the world another way form sane people, like to the downtown depute. Pandas thought that scene she had lag, everyone did as well, and I had no lag, so i thought everyone had no lag as well.

    @ 72
    I think we see this though the same eyes, as we are so alike, down to are age (14 for you that think i am 7). I Urge you to step back and see it though others eyes, and consider what they want. This dose not mean back down, just weigh in there opinions and constructive cretinism

    @llo community
    He is trying to do what i did, and not much will stop him (it took me falling down a flight of stairs before i became enlightened on the subject). Just give him positives to leave, not negatives (like he can find more land, or if he moves the the northern Continent, he would have a partner)

    @ all
    Everyone needs to step back and look at the big picture, honestly, a major economy would rip is apart (gangnam will only have a few small shops, using the rupees system). We need to found a separate (geographically, and political) outpost, connected by a rail tho the llo.

    And a side note on using the item curacy

    Supporting 72
    Generically, gold was used as a curacy. We now have the emerald, AN ITEM MEANT TO BE USED AS MONEY!!!. If you use gold, an gold sword in worth 2, and iron tools are worthless. An iron tool is worth allot more, therefore, undermine all items under the iron tool. With an emerald, it can be worth anything (although it is valuable)

    supporting the LLO
    Emeralds are hard to get, and you would have 3 inventory spaces filed whit your money. ALTHOUGH, if you trade large amounts of wool whit a villager, you can make lots of emeralds easy.

    More to come later.
    Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  15. Jakres, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  16. I feel like I should explain more why I think this is a good rule. Esp in regard to the big ideas of 72 and l0tad.

    Nobody at the LLO wants to stop from tryring something out within the LLO community. But just imagine your idea catching on:
    scenario a) you started too close to some other LLO project / district etc.
    ->you will soon reach the borders and there will be fighting

    scenario b) you get "far" out and connect your new place by nice paths and / or rail to some already existing LLO path / rail
    -> LLO people will get curious and travel there. if they like what you do they will build and settle around it.
    this is how places like the yeti village etc grew. and even the districts.

    so I think any idea is still welcome at the LLO and as I said before we do not run out of wild space to occupy.
    conflicts come up when (esp new members) try to redo an area that already has an idea behind it (jungle as a nature resever, grand central as meeting place and visitor center etc).

    if you have a new idea, start something new and connect it to the LLO. I am sure the community will help build rails and such if they think the new place is nice.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, L0tad and 3 others like this.
  17. Yea I would help in connecting via Rails stilll got that bug after I was done with Obsidian line :D
    Jakres, 72Volt and zulu9 like this.
  18. What bug?
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  19. haha not a Bug Data. A Craving to build a other Railway :p
  20. Ah. That bug :)