In need of info to construct a theory.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 72Volt, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Your the one that asked for it
  2. Because you proposed it
  3. Because you asked what's the ratio of supporters to normal members. Only really two things you can really do with that information. The first being how much rupees are introduce to EMC or second being how much money does EMC get from Supporters.<-- "which has been asked in the past which caused unwanted arguing" Also I wouldn't called this a theory more like a Statistics
  4. Those aren't necessarily the only things. If we sort the active members into a frequency table, we can see there's x amount of people who aren't supporters, y amount who are Iron, z amount who are Gold etc. and from that we multiply x by 100, y by 300 etc. to find the amount of rupees each rank receives in total. We divide the figure by the number of active members to find the mean bonus.
  5. This is basically the first thing I said on my previous reply but with more words added to it.
    Pab10S likes this.
  6. I'm not very smart.
  7. So, you just want to know this to know how to price your shop going on the expectation that everyone will go to your shop or a shop at all. I know for a fact I have not visited a shop in almost a month. I don't need to. I get my materials for free.
  8. have fun with this number

    816400 rupees were given as a daily signin bonus in the past 24 hours.
    nfell2009, 72Volt, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  9. This is a great well rounded idea 72Volt, I can't wait to see the results! Very interesting!
  10. And how many rupees are active in the Empire right now? (Owned by players inactive or active)
  11. No, I want to value time, obviously.
  12. Mr. Aikar! Thank you, if you gave me a number regarding the amount of players who have played on EMC in the past week I could calculate a tentative VTVI ^_^
    _Stads_ likes this.
  13. ready for this number, are you?


    Rupees among players who have played within the past 31 days:

    The top 100 amass to:

    the top 10 amass to:

    and that's all I'm giving for now :p

    note: players like PT who were banned had their rupees erased and are not in these counts.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  14. Wow that's cool, So altogether if everyone combined they're rupees we could take down AC Inc? :p
    It's amazing seeing such large numbers of rupees, Thanks for retrieving those :D
    nfell2009 likes this.