In need of info to construct a theory.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 72Volt, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Your making this way too complex than it should be
  2. Good point, I'll have the census done at 4 different 6 hour intervals in the day by multiple different people.
  3. I'm not forcing the complexity on others, so it's fine.
  4. That's not what I'm saying there's many ways on getting results A. Few simple equation to get it B. many unnessarry equations and data in that process resulting in same conclusion as A.
  5. What's unnecessary and what alternative do you have to offer?
  6. Regarding the results you require: Look up there ^

    See that members tab. Click on it, then search through 2500+ pages of members. It will tell you who is supporter and who is not if you are willing to invest time into it. :)
    mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  7. The first post I put on here it would give a margin of one day of rupees introduce to EMC
  8. I'm sorry, but I fail to understand why you want this done.
    I mean, did you hear the phrase "Time is Money" and think "I have to get that worked out"
  9. For science, of course!
  10. And that would do what exactly? With the MWAMB, we have the average weekly bonus per member, which gives us an idea of how players would value things and of course the value of time.
  11. I don't know if this has been asked but why do you want to know the MWAMB?
  12. I'd be angry, because alot of people haven't forgiven me for my past.
    BeKaLuSa likes this.
  13. It would give the amount of rupees that is introduce to EMC in one day
  14. People don't realize that Minecraft is a game and we are playing with virtual characters in a virtual world. Succeeding in the game is not a bad thing, but spending all your time in it is a bad thing. We should socialize and have fun. It shouldn't have to be a perfect science. There are countless players who are successful and kinda just went with the flow and made up their own prices based loosely on the economy. They didn't account for every variable down to the tee. This isn't a bad idea, but you spend a lot much time on something that is supposed to be laid back.
  15. Okay, and then what? What do we do with that data?
  16. We dont know. You made it! :3
  17. I'm not spending all of my time on it, I'm merely exercising my mathematics skills for the good of the community.
    I don't really wanna just go with the flow, if I have the VTVI, I can price my goods perfectly, and others can do the same.
  18. I made the original Time Value Formula, Dwight is making a new simpler proposition regarding total rupees coming into the Empire daily.
  19. Wait...

    Just because you know X amount get Y amount of Rupees doesn't mean they spend all their rupees in 1 shop. How will that work?
  20. The hypotheticals I mentioned about spending all of one's rupees in one shop are just examples.