I'm a new player to Empire Minecraft. I made my way through the tutorial and made it to the sign that says 'Type /town to enter the Empire. Have fun!' Typing /town, however, only gives me a message that says 'You will gain access to chat once you complete the tutorial.' Why am I stuck in the tutorial? >:/
Try walking backwards through the tutorial until a message appears. You can also try doing it on another SMP. The tutorial is notorious for this sorta thing. If that doesn't work, PM IcecreamCow, Maxarias and shaunwhite1982 on this site, explaining the problem and they'll be able to help you out.
Protip to everyone who has this problem: Disconnect and reconnect every time you fail to get a correct answer confirmation in chat (unless you see the incorrect answer sign d: ).
A certain someone who's an eye on a car has mentioned that the tutorial will be getting a revamp "soon", so maybe that's not really needed. (Soon = EMC soon = let's say less than a year probably)
And you guys got 3 Senior Staff members. There's plenty of reason to look forward to stuff with a 3 in it. (number of admins)*1.5=3 Half Life 3 Confirmed