Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by ENWehr, Nov 10, 2012.


Would you like to see the Empire implement this?

I want a clock on the website 6 vote(s) 14.6%
I want a /time comand 4 vote(s) 9.8%
I want both a /time comand and a clock 26 vote(s) 63.4%
This is a bad idea. 5 vote(s) 12.2%
  1. What you said :p
  2. On the website or the servers themselves? And whatever, i guess it doesnt matter since its just a little bit :) The point is that it wont slow anything down at all
  3. I'm suggesting it goes on the website.
  4. Yes, that's good too, but a /time command would be cool too for users who dont go on the forums
  5. That's why I suggested it in the post.
  6. Yeah, what you're saying would happen no matter what the timezone.
    Also, I see a new problem,
    see that little bit below each post?
    "RainbowChin, A moment ago"
    That's set to your own timezone wherever you are. Now, imagine that the "Universal Time" is set to a different one than that. Bam, confusion for all.
  7. Wait: a different command would have to be used, /time is taken by default bukkit commands for changing in- game time (ex. /time set 0 or /time set 15000) so maybe like /EMT (stands for /EmpireMinecraftTime)
  8. */clock
    nick5013 likes this.
  9. i just typed /clock on my server and it said: "13:27:00 [INFO] It is currently 12 November 2012, 01:27PM"
  10. Does that mean it's better, or worse because its an existing command?
    nick5013 likes this.
  11. IDK... if its an existing command, does it give the time on your computer or the time of the servers it is hosted on, if it is the second one, we just need permission to use /clock then that can be the EMC Time and we would be good.
  12. Could it be possible for the codes to be tweaked for all the little times be run off of the EMC clock (if EMC had one on the website)? @Aikar
  13. Whoever said this is 4k is highly misunderstanding java ...

    class clock
    publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
    int sec =0;
    int min =0;
    int hour =0;
    System.out.println(hour+":"+ min+":"+sec);
    catch(Exception e){}
    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)



    When someone individually types to view the clock '/clock' it will run the program ... if the default clock is not with emc and their clock only, it won't be per say 3k ... it would be more like 'the system finds out your time to evaluate the time needed to tell you of their time, then return the value back to you of the command. Which would require around 13k each person plus the storage of data, another 3k - do this with lets say 3 thousand members ... and that's already running 13k-40mb on average ... plus 6mb storage data for example.
    ENWehr likes this.
  14. I'm getting what you mean. Maybe have it somewhere in the top banner that stays on the pages.

    I've been on websites for MMO's that have a clock on their site and in game. It's usually a 24 hour clock on the general time zone, which isn't hard to use.

    The issue with the clock running on EMC's time zone is that it would be running on EST. People are already confused as to what time it is. I have seen people say "Hey meet me at my res at 9:30 *insert their timezone here* I think that's like...12:30 America time."
  15. vividOptimism likes this.
  16. Just make an EMC time, and have it start at X Time then people can go
    'The giveaway will start at 10 EMC Time' or
    'The giveaway will start at 16 EMC Time'