DAY OF WAR (Roleplay)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. 'Merica
    • Project Manhattan commences in New Mexico (1 Full Page)
    • President Speaks out about a cease fire
    • 'Merica sends Red Cross and Peace Corps members to the affected countries
    nfell2009 likes this.
  2. Ahem.
    France prepares to invade Mexico if necessary.
    nfell2009 likes this.
  3. UK asks Mexico to leave UK
  4. Mexico leaves the UK.
    Mexico also completes their 5 nukes, and begins to gear up their plane-shuttles for a 'test drive'.

    • 'Merica begins research of Aircraft Carriers and Long Range Ballistics
  5. Mexico re-enters the UK with their plane-shuttles, dropping their first nuclear bomb on Manchester. They begin to make their way to Birmhangham, but are spotted on the UK's radio signals. UK, or one of their allied nations, has to be quick to stop Mexico from wiping out the nation.
  6. Kyrgyzstan sends all fighter jets to the scene reaching it in just 25 mins and wipes out all remaining nukelear planes, crashing them into the sea...
  7. Mexico sends in 4 new space shuttles, only one contains the next nuke. The ones that were gunned down were decoys.
    A second nuke is dropped onto Birmingham.
  8. Kyrgyzstan asks mexico to Relent the bombing of britain and remove all troops, I have 3 nuclear submarines in the falklands remember...
    nfell2009 likes this.
  9. UK Sends in B1522 To:

    Mexico City, Iztapalapa, Ecatepec
    Leaving a nuclear winter for 5 years

    We send in build drones to start clearing and nuclear poisons and rebuilding Manchester and Birmingham
  10. Mexico drops a nuclear bomb over London, and begins to head back to Mexico to destroy the Falkland's nuclear subs.
  11. Mexico gets their de-cloudinator and removes the nuclear winter.
  12. UK Sends in another B1522 onto:

    And starts heavy bombing onto:
    Gustovo A. Medero
  13. Removes subs from falklands to classified location
    nfell2009 likes this.
  14. UK Has rebuilt Manchester and Birmingham and removed any nuclear remains.

    Starting work on Lodon
  15. Mexico guns down most of the bomber planes and offers to stop the war, and celebrate the war's end every 2 pages, after re-allying with them.
  16. France sends aid to the UK and Kyrgyzstan
    France prepares to invade Mexico on the signal given by the allies.
  17. I agree it is time to end the war and re build
    All projects completed,
    Starts work on heavy machine gun.
  18. Why do i need aid? im just sheltering brits at the moment...
  19. France warns Kyrgyzstan and the UK to be wary of Mexico from now on. Apologize for not assisting in the war. I was playing minecraft. :p