France receives the plans and sends back some prototype submarines for use as model. France wishes to collaborate with the UK on the building of these subs.
90% of the soldiers in Ottawa are gassed, and die a painful and slow death. The other 10% are pulled out of Ottawa and retreat, resealing the borders for Mexico. Mexico enter London, having already captured Manchester.
UK is changing the software and is really happy to help! We also change the insides a little and make the outside more areodynamic
France adds more room for torpedos and prepares to launch them at the Mexicans marching through Ottawa. French troops arrive to stop the Mexicans from capturing London.
Sweden finishes all on-going thing and starts to build 200 feet high Walls around the borders of our country. When done we will also install 5 cm Pak 38 everyone 20 meters onto the Wall for extra Defense. Sweden wants to remain Peaceful until we have a good Army. Current Army Population: 750,000
i lost a good .25 million soldiers So lets do this Collects the nuclear missiles from the depot and Attacks manchester, killing all of the mexicans and unfourtunatly some hostages, Note Nfell this is not an act of war
Kyrgyzstan starts work on a new rifle taking aproximatly 10 posts to complete Recruited 1million soldiers, Army Size:3.75 million Makes a camp for the uk Civillians And puts it under heavy guard with its own air strip and 10 of the high tech fighters positioned to protect them
France pulls troops out of the UK seeing the UK should be fine. In the event that they need reinforcement, we WILL return.
Mexico begins rebuild of their nukes, this time underground in Mexico City. Mexico pulls out of Ottawa to avoid being attacked, but stays on the borders of london.