[Entity Limits] Try to break it!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. what about the end portal in smp6 i no where it is and i go to the end a lot will the dragon be there
  2. ... Its hiding under the town map. That was posted in the tutorial...
  3. Unrelated, but evey post you do seems to get at least 10 likes.
    T'is the power of a mod.
  4. Well its a great update either way :)
  5. Too many bugs/mess ups for my liking, worse than before I think (terminating my first post)

    Also, I believe before the limit could get me to level 30 twice. So level 30 for normal spawners? Now it stops at level 26, can the limit be higher/fixed or no?
  6. What bugs/mess ups exactly? its hard for them be fixed if you do not list any :p.

    So your biggest complaint is that you have to slaughter the mobs at your spawner twice as much? All that means is less afk time for you, not really a big deal. The same amount of mobs will still equal the same amount of xp. Its just that you can not sit there and let 400 blaze's build up. You just have to push your button earlier than you would.

    The number or 200 in a wild area was actually a golden number. Its that number that allows most players who have grinders, to fill them to that capacity, and allow regular spawning in the wild without so much lag. You start to tweak that number to much and lag returns, or, you have no over world spawning.

    You can change the numbers, but you have to remember, a slight change=massive with this number. If the number were increased only to 205, every player with a grinder now gets 5 more available mobs in the area. This sounds small in the single player scale, but when you look at every player with a grinder, who may be standing beside it, that adds up. Just for the sake of argument.. 10 players with simultaneous grinders would equal an increase of 50 more mobs. Again, sounds small, but we are just talking about 5 mobs. If you were to increase that number to something more suitable for a grinder to get "30 twice" you would need at least another 50-75 to account for other spawning mobs in the area unless you are grinding in a solid stone block with no chances of other mobs spawning at all. And you stick with our number of 10 players with grinders, you are looking at a massive increase server wide.

    200 was pulled for a reason. Its just the golden number. Not saying "little" tweaks can not be made. Thats Aikar's ultimate call, however, I just thought I would explain why you can not just increase the number by lots.

    The whole idea of the update is server performance. Yes, it causes grinder farmers a little less afk time between XP collection, but for the better playing experience of the other players, it seems like a worthy cost.
    mba2012 and _Stads_ like this.
  7. Thanks for clearing that up. One question though for everyone... Less AFK time means more XP overall not to mention the same amount of XP being collected faster than normal... I think this is great what's so bad about it lol?
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. Well, collecting 30 in the way alex was suggesting (just a guess, not definite) is killing enough mobs to reach 30.. enchant.. return and collect another 30.. So its not really wasting anything. If you have some kind of crusher/reset mechanism like most Blaze Grinders do, the ones you have injured to death point just float there until you hit the reset button to allow more in. So, its not hard to do... well.. WAS not hard to do. :p
  9. Oh okay, thanks :)
  10. Does this mean we can take your code and use it on our own servers? :p
  11. I did:

    Also, I meant nothing of what you're defending against haha. I don't really get what you're saying either
    You didn't need to post all that :)
  12. I went through the thread looking for your post xD. Mah bad. Well, the smaller bugs should be fixed soon with a patch. However, the before post was still needed, because I was personally being asked questions in game that the post answered, so it was not wasted breath :p.

    Sorry I missed your post, I even looked for it :p.
    AlexChance and mba2012 like this.
  13. I mean the idea.
  14. Oh.. wait what idea?
  15. Note that monsters in your surrounding area counts, so now your count will basically fluctuate from the surrounding mobs.

    One time you kill at 200/200 could be 100 blazes, the next time it could be 70 blazes.

    In the wild you can avoid this by lighting up caves, but I'm afraid there's not much you can do in the nether.

    The goal is to reduce the # of entities and FORCE people to kill them more often (and not give them any option to ignore the requests to not let grinders build up so much), so increasing the limit would be counter productive.

    Just kill them off every 5 mins or so and youll be getting the same exp still.

    Pushing to the limit = loss of effeciency.
    This code I linked has nothing to do with EMC's specific plugins. That is simply the CraftBukkit code you can already pull from the CraftBukkit website, with very tiny modifications. We will likely make furthur improvements to improve performance which will be open to use, but downloading our version of CB will not give you any EMC features.

    We however offer absolutely 0 support for using our custom build of CB, and do not promise that we won't break the ability to use it outside of EMC in the future.
  16. If you have loose animals near the surface of your residence, you could temporarily set your TP point to be inside a pen then coax then into the street with some wheat.
    Chascarrillo and jkjkjk182 like this.
  17. You can always pave the area around the grinder with half slabs. Since mobs now only spawn in a 64x64 square around you, so you only need to pave that area.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. Yes, good idea.
  19. The idea of having the animals not be able to leave your res...
  20. Ah yeah :)