smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Except mr legits place
    Jakres likes this.
  2. My main issue with the way he was going about it the first time was how he was trying to force it on us all and wanted to tear things down. He backed off and we stopped fighting. His new plan he's asking who owns what and if he can use the unused land. If he wants to use the unused land that nobody will use then I'm fine with that.

    As for the Grand Central idea Runewulf built it and wants to keep it the way it is. It works just fine the way it is. I hate the fact we keep getting mobs in the area of GCS, Guest House and the crafting place. It's all due to the new mob update junk that is a pain in the butt. I hate going outside at night because it seems night lasts 20 minutes while day lasts two seconds. I've tried getting from town spawn to the outpost and nearly die every time thanks to the swarms of mobs. We just have to try to make sure everything is lit up enough that stuff hopefully won't spawn.

    He posted a couple pages back that he's leaving, thought he'd already left since he's not been to LLO in forever. Couldn't you get his land?
    zulu9, Jakres, watk4219 and 4 others like this.
  3. You guys say I am childish

    So, I will do the adult thing here

    Jakres and matthew12hydro like this.
  4. Pandas, thanks for making that point

    And I will not touch mr legits house until I have perms

    And to the guy with the name I can't remember
    Look At the last 30 pages

    And about gcs

    It was an idea, I dont think he wants it, so I will back off
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Look. L0tad has every right to present his ideas as the rest of us do. Sure, we can choose not to accepted it, but there isn't anything wrong with just presenting it. I'm really sick of this whole issue. Just get over it.
    zulu9, Jakres, watk4219 and 2 others like this.
  6. Also

    Just to let you guys know
    Plz comment of you disapprove

    I will (hopefully) redo the roads of the west
    To prep it for the lloympics

    I will also do some basic infrastructure work
    And if I run into a problem (ie a wall in the way)
    I will let you guys know, and ask for permition
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Ok

    Just got a no go from mr legit

    He claimed to still live here
    Jakres likes this.
  8. The fact if a member leaves LLO or not and still active on EMC a members project shouldn't be touch without their constent.
    Jakres, watk4219, shavingfoam and 4 others like this.
  9. Ok. so maybe I overreacted a bit but we don't want shops in which people would have to pay rupees to buy things. The LLOlympics will be entirely free. All evens, accommodation and souvenirs will be free. Fell free to make shops in which people don't have to pay but make them look good, don't cram heaps of buildings in one place and make sure the community is ok with. And don't build anything too near the Olympic Park without asking me as I don't know what room there will be available in side the actual area for you to build in.
    Jakres, penfoldex and zulu9 like this.
  10. Yeah that's what I was trying to say was for him to get permission from Legit. He asked and apparently even though he left and raged at me for removing the laggy member list board that serves no purpose, Legit isn't letting people use his stuff?
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  11. This is NOT how we do things here. Please stop dividing the community. Either have proper vote or just deal with what the majority thinks. Having badges like this will not help the LLO at all and only fuel the flames.

    This is NOT personal. It is not a "do you like person XY" question. You have proposed lots of ideas, changed them over time. Most of them were not liked, some of them seem to catch on. This is how it goes.

    I think there was one (in numbers: 1) comment of a member that got fed up and asked you to leave. Immediately lot's of other jumped in telling him he has probably gone too far and the LLO is a place for everyone.
    Complaining of people being mean just because there is one mean comment once in awhile does not help anybody. Please look at the tons of constructive and friendly criticism you received. If you ignore those that are working with you the voices that would rather see you leave than to continue to work will you will only get louder.

    I thought we had a consensus after the social get up on which projects you can do where. Won't that be enough and a start to other members can build some trust?

    Just saying if you do not plan to work constructive anymore (and making dividing badges that would make this silly argument go on forever is not constructive), maybe you should try to start your own community. There you would make up the rules and nobody could tell you where to build what. I even started a thread so wild communities can
    exchange knowledge and help each other. It happened before. Havockstorm had some different ideas and went off to make the umbrella corp. No shame in that. Just read our FAQ and rules again and make up your mind. I am merely sick of this back and forth between "yeah I want to be a part and get it" and "let my do my thing, it is none of your business".

  12. I had two reactions. Both like "Holy crap Zulu is ranting!?!?!?!"

  13. Now that we have gotten over that bump in our road lets get back to posting about proactive things i'll start us off.
    I soon plan to start building this in the Llo West dock
  14. That looks awesome! The dock could need some attention.
    Jakres, mba2012 and sqiggleyjeff like this.
  15. Yep I feel like tearing down some buildings and doing a total Retexture of the area. Also if anyone has jungle saplings I need some to replant the Jungle near the Docks in a plan I call Operation Reforestation
    Jakres, mba2012 and Dwight5273 like this.
  16. Too bad we can't add music into Minecraft

    Looks awesome :D
  17. Yep anyone who wants to help just has to ask and i'll think about it.
    Jakres, mba2012 and Dwight5273 like this.
  18. OK, I cant fined the word to describe the feeling of my stupidity for causing all this
    I will stop all of my projects around the llo

    Sory bout the attachments get thing, It was me and matthew12hydro talking at a party, and he presented the idea. It was a stupid idea, idk what i was thinking. I deleted the post.

    I should to wandering to think it all out
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  19. Now I feel like I need to duel someone on that ship…
    Well on the other hand, the LLOlympics mineshaft race dormitories are looking pretty good.
    Jakres likes this.