smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Here my 2ct about the "bring business / money to the LLO":

    It really depends what that means I guess.
    Here are some ideas I personally would like / have nothing against:
    - Building community exchange places (trading / selling to other LLO members)
    - Building "Wild supply shops" for travelers
    - Selling / Renting rooms as vacation homes for townies

    Here is what should not happen:
    - Black market things
    (shady deals in hope mods won't notice)
    - Professional gambling (esp lottery stuff)
    - Any sort of deal that tries to circumvent the EMC rules (like announcing stuff in chat etc)

    That said I like the LLO with as little money involved as possible. It should not be a place people come to make money or to trade but to relax, chat, party and build epic stuff. We of course can have trading and shops can make really nice builds.
    Jakres, Philovanrood and penfoldex like this.
  2. Just a reminder:
    If there is a discussion that seems take over the thread with just a few members involved feel free to discuss it in a private conversation and post the results afterwards.
    Or, if more people are involved you can use the piratepad:
    You can edit at the same time and it has a chat (not registration needed).
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Also I am still holding 15K donations from the griefing relief fund in my account. If anyone still needs funds to repair from griefing just tell me.
    This includes people willing to take over tasks like looking after broken rail to get supllies.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Thanks for updating the map and reporting. If I read it one we catched this one too.
    Also thanks to Dwight and all the others that made that go back to GREEN
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  5. I am planning on making a larger community workshop and welcome centre kind of thing. It will also have the community notice board.
    Jakres likes this.
  6. To make the chinatown debate easier I drafted a vote form.
    Just give me feedback on how to make the questions better or which ones to add.
    We can add other non-chinatown stuff too and make like a LLO survey / census.
    Again: DO NOT VOTE THERE YET. This is just for suggestions to the questions for now.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. If possilbe try to keep the non griefed parts of the building. It will give the place an historic touch. Be creative! :D
    Jakres likes this.
  8. I know I said I was taking a break but I just wanted to but in here. One of the issues we have is Mba came to us all and wanted to know if we wanted the China Town. Majority voted yes and that it was a great idea and we were all for helping find somewhere. It then seems L0tad decided to throw his idea in motion of building whatever it is and call it "China Town" as if it was his idea. He wanted to tear down buildings and we found out it was two different projects. He still insists on calling his China Town when that is mba's idea.

    This situation is like Jakres building Yeti Village and then I going along and building another area and calling it Yeti Village and talking about knocking down others homes and buying their land and letting them live in an apartment building on that land.

    I don't mind "Trade Shops" where you pay a couple rupees for something or you actually trade but the way L0tad's plan was told he wants to basically make the outpost into a giant grid, like Town is and then people use their area in the grid to put in shops to make money.

    We're fine with L0tad's Shop District BUT he's trying to cram it all in ONE corner and crowd out the homes that are in that area.
  9. Erm…mba? Could you finish the Olympic Stadium first? I need that done ASAP.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  10. What? The post office is fine, last time I checked. (today) Maybe build around it?
    Jakres likes this.
  11. I agree with you. L0tad's first ideas sure were like that. From what I get this has changed due to the communities patience and constant -let's call it negotiations- with L0tad. Let's keep the past where it belongs and assumend he learned at bit how we try to keep the LLO the nice place it is.
    Jakres likes this.
  12. Yeah. If it is fine we have more important stuff to do. I do not mind if he (or anyone) wants to build around or on top of it. I do not claim "view" or a distance for this one. But tearing the historic post office down for no reason is a no-go ;)

    LLO Vote drafting. DO NOT VOTE, but submit new questions and suggestions
    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  13. I am working on the Olympic stadium and I am clearing the area. Also I am just expanding the workshop and keeping the basic design but creating a larger building. Also MY china Town will be in the Olympic Park area in the west.
    Jakres, PandasEatRamen and penfoldex like this.
  14. I know, I just wanted to clear out the details as it keeps getting muddled a bit due to confusion.
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.
  15. Yeah, I noticed that too by reading the 20 pages. I hope the reminder of the piratepad helps a bit in the future (the thing is really good to sort out this detail back-and-forth).
    Also the survey / vote thingy could clarify how we all want the LLO to go from here on :)

    Reminder: Discuss the questions, do not vote yet:
  16. That vote looks good but. Does it refer to general china town or L0tads plan?
    Jakres likes this.
  17. For now I made it as a general china town poll. I took it L0tads idea was it to make it real central where your plan is more independant of location. This is what I tried to catch with the "how central should it be" question.
    Maybe this could phrased clearer or split up better. Any ideas?
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  18. I like the survey. I think we should have one for every major decision.
    Jakres and Bu11dawg like this.
  19. I am a real boy, really i am!
    Jakres, Bu11dawg, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  20. Maybe two surveys? One for mba's China Town near Olympic Park, and one for L0tad's central trade China Town.
    Jakres likes this.