EMC loosing its touch

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kno2t, Aug 28, 2012.

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  1. You can correct grammar, you can be absolutely right, but don't you DARE claim funner is a word. Even if your right! Don't you dare...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. My brain hurts....
  3. I miss the old days when it was always 24/25, and just that one spot was open just for me. I got home from school. Opened my laptop. And cursed my self b/c I got lost 30 blocks away from the "Wilderness"-the wild now.
    Ahhhh, those were the noob days, but then we gained 45k members and I got POed b/c I couldn't get on my favorite server.
    But I have to admit,SMP-8 is sometimes 25/60, but seriously.....THATS ALOT OF PEOPLE....25! Plus 7 other servers with numbers higher than 35!(Excluding Utopia, with ranges of 4-10, b/c not many supporters spend their time on there,rather making huge shops or structures.)
    But to say that EMC is loosing it's touch?
    In all my days of EMC, I have seen alot of post like this. They always bring me to shame, only because I know how hard Justin, Jeremy,and all the other mods work. I just hope these people who post this kind of stuff will open their eyes or get a 42 inch monitor like me......
    Your 349 day old fellow player,
  4. Its not a word and it took me like 10 mins. to fix it.
  5. Oh and one more thing.......
    A shout-out to all these grammar nazis....KEEP ON TRUCKIN!
    Nole972 and margaritte like this.
  6. I have had it up to here with you. You insult the Empire for not giving it what you want and you think creativity and originality is boring, you don't even BOTHER to correct your spelling or grammatical errors, and you whine like a little baby because people try to tell you about the big EMC updates that are coming.

    Grow up.
    ScarTheNinja and Hash98 like this.
  7. The reason servers aren't packed is because their are 10 servers now. There used to be just 5. So actually if you look at it that way we have had a rise in how many people are playing at a time.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  8. 50 free rupees…
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  9. I quoted IamSaj.. 5 Derps for you!
    Just go here: http://imgur.com/a/qyqUL
  10. On the front page is something posted about a voice over contest (It's now over), but it is for a video (unfinished) that will be put out on Youtube.. If it is of good enough quality, then we'll put it on planet minecraft, and other places as well.. The video features our exclusive plugin that you'll only ever find on EMC, The Dragon Arena. This video is again, not complete yet. Don't worry, we'll get more people. :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. Off topic but... finish the video soon Maxarias! So I can watch it over and over and over...and over. :D
    Maxarias likes this.
  12. And repeat!
    Maxarias likes this.
  13. Forever, and ever...
    Maxarias likes this.
  14. ScarTheNinja likes this.
  15. That's sorta how I feel, no one looked at my derps...
    SoulPunisher likes this.
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