EMC loosing its touch

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kno2t, Aug 28, 2012.

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  1. And 4 days after that is my birthday! :p
    Sorry for the off-topicness.
  2. Thats why you don't just go out 100 blocks.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  3. I also do do alot on the server i also have a bace far away and my res has been deleted 3 times so i could start fresh and curently i am selling every item i have so that i wont be so clutterd and i can have something to do like yesterday i sold 64 diamond for 5r
  4. Please lock this thread...
    I miss having the ability to stem pointless threads. :confused:
  5. You sold 64 diamonds, for 5! YOU, GOT LOW BALLED...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  6. matthew12hydro and margaritte like this.
  7. We all miss you having those glorious abilities...:(
  8. i did make a mega mall and i am restaring it to make it orgaised and i have 35,151 and me drifting_ranger and Lord_Shadow55 split all of are money together every week
  9. This thread is not pointless all im trying to do is make some sujestions
  10. I do think this would be a great featcher for EMC to have because then people could have a say in how the server goes making it improve more and more
  11. You made a negative statement about the status of EMC.
    You made suggestions in the wrong forum.
    You have taken this discussion way off topic.
    It was and still is pointless.
    I still say it should be closed.
    You have gotten your attention, now go back to playing Minecraft or find something else to occupy your time.

    If you want respect, earn it.
    You lost it when you posted this thread.
  12. Let us see who is actually losing their touch.......
    Title: EMC loosing its touch
    Fixed: EMC isn't losing its touch
    Empire Minecraft is a huge success and all servers were always full and it would be like winning the lottery if you got in. But lately many of the EMC servers have been decreasing in users many believe that it hasn't changed, but may this be why it is losing members daily? Well I believe that Empire Minecraft hasn't affored anything new or had any interesting things added! I think EMC should start thinking about adding a MAJOR plugin (EMC already has great custom plugins) this could make the server become a little more interesting 2 major plugins I think the staff could consider could be:
    Speef Arena (many have made a place to do this at there res but it would be more fun (no such thing as "Funner") if there was a command to get to one and it would reset daily)
    Mob Arena (No players are able to make there own but I would love it being part of the server)
    The server could also add more ranks that you could get differently such as achieving them from gameplay or being nice to fellow members (nice too fellow members: Logic) or just being part of the EMC community for a long time.
    If any other members have ideas please comment them and EMC staff (We can read English as well, thank you sir) thank you for your time on reading this and please consider some of these options.

  13. jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. no i mean as a plugin because manymembers dont use the form after the register but i also didnt kow they had a form for that so thanks and i probably should have posted this there ops
  15. We also already have a spleef arena at /fun on SMP3 and a mob arena, but Icecreamcone hasn't held a event for awhile.
  16. Haha thanks sorry for all the spelling errors and i still think that it is losing its touch tough because member rate is lowering everyday
  17. We have 46K members and counting..
  18. Okay thankyou i didnt know there was a spleef arena there but they could put places like that on everyserver to make it less work for some members who rarly add more servers to there mulyplayer menu and maybe they could add prises for the winers in the spleef arena
  19. Dude, use periods. And if those members actually have good ideas that they think are really good, they will come here. Just because they dont come here doesnt mean that they should spend a lot of time to deal with someones laziness. Also, if it was a plugin, it would get spammed constantly by bored members who just say "trololololollolololololrofglosfglosfksujdbfksdjfgbsdhbcfksaegfdoiwhjuieryq320ur298yrfweujhtfg89wye49t" and such.
    IamSaj likes this.
  20. 46k members many dont play often and the number doesnt decress but players dont evern play on the server but are still counted as a member
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