[DISCUSSION] Auction Bumping

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Aug 21, 2012.


What do you think?

I see nothing wrong with auction bumping. Leave the system the way it is. 27 vote(s) 56.3%
I don't like auction bumping, but I have a better solution which I will reveal in the comments. 5 vote(s) 10.4%
I don't like auction bumping, and I think this is a good solution. 8 vote(s) 16.7%
I don't like auction bumping, and I like your solution, but the it should be discouraged, not banned 6 vote(s) 12.5%
I don't participate in auction stuff, so this really doesn't apply to me. 2 vote(s) 4.2%
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  1. That's fair, and was also the answer to the previous threads requesting a forum moderator role. The fact that a moderator and an admin replied to my post within about 10 minutes speaks zounds about how active the staff here is. My concern still remains. Without being proactive on the auction rules specifically, some will feel singled out. But in a way I guess you addressed that as well. If I am concerned about it, I should be more proactive in my reporting... Don't pull my report stats though as it may reveal that I don't have a leg to stand on with this complaint :p

    So Herbrin3, and others that are concerned about this, let's be more proactive with our reporting.
    IcecreamCow, will_iamd and margaritte like this.
  2. I guess in that way we are ALL forum moderators.
  3. I will shut down any auction I find that doesn't meet the auction rules for posting an auction. I think we must have caught at least 90% of illegal auctions since the auction update. I know of only one that was missed and was completed before any mod noticed it was illegal.

    If you see an illegal auction PM a staff member and we will look at the auction in question (include a link to the auction for bonus brownie points)

    With respect to bumping I think if we forced the rules to the letter the honest seller would lose out as the dishonest one would use backdoor means to bump their auction.
    margaritte likes this.
  4. You mean, they'd use an alt, or get a friend to "bump" it somehow? But, IDK...they'd have to bid; so I don't think it'd be a huge problem.

    I mean, I'm sure that sort of thing happens anyway - people getting their friends to bid (promising to pay them if they win) or whatever else...

    I don't see why clamping down on all bumping could make that worse?
  5. Well, based on those who have voted already, it does seem that most are satisfied with how things are going. As the posters above said, if you think it's going OVERBOARD on some instances, let us know and we'll take care of it. :)
  6. ICC, I'm sure you understand the strategies people use on auctions. The fewer hits a thread gets after I bid on an auction the better. I know you guys clean up threads and issue warnings, but for a bidder, that's too late. The damage is done.

    All it takes is one person saying, "Ooh. You have so many enchanted picks! You must grind a lot!", and they most likely #1: just cost the bidder more rupees because 100 more people got to see the auction in the active threads list, or #2: the auctioneer just lost a bidder because the thread has too much action.

    There are also the party poopers. People who come into a thread and say that the item is only worth X instead of Y. Or, "That is so many Rupees!", "I would never pay that for this item.", "I can get these easily at my friend's shop.' This happens in other Marketplace threads as well and is damaging to the seller.

    I've never, ever, ever seen anyone disciplined for an off topic comment in an auction thread or for messing up someone's Marketplace thread. If it occasionally happened, maybe people would be a little more thoughtful of what they say.

    These quotes are all from an auction I dropped out of yesterday. The auctioneer was bumping right after bids, which I actually think is a bad strategy, but good for me. But then the off topic comments started rolling in. I only included a few of the auctioneer comments, some of which were only 20 minutes apart, but there are plenty of others to choose from.

    I wanted to bid, but the dirt isn't in the pack D:
    Now it's just junk for me :O
    y no one bid
    i would... but no dirt included.
    how about this, if you bid and you win you can have the dirt too XD
    I would bit, but I don't have so mutch money :(
    wow i would have thought there would be a lot more bids :(
    I made my last bid about here with a comment about why.
    There will, just wait for the US timezone
    they should all be pouring on any second :3
    xxx is in the lead :)
    At the moment the glowstone is going for 10.70601851851852 r each
    Herbrin3 likes this.
  7. and

    -I've tried being "pro-active" and reporting all off-topic posts; and Shaun and ICC you told me that a certain amount of off-topic "chatter" was permissible - so you didn't/don't enforce the rules. So no, there's no point in my keep reporting them, if you're going to allow them regardless.
  8. You have to also understand that what YOU think is right and what WE think is right isn't always going to match. You know just as well, though you didn't say it here, that we have done a lot of moderating and action taking on reports you have done, so please don't make it seem like we ignore everything you report.
  9. I wasn't saying that at all. I know you take action.

    All I'm saying is, you've told me that you will not remove any/all posts from auctions that do not satisfy the rules.

    That being the case, there is no point myself, LZ, or others reporting all posts that do not meet the requirements - unless, as you say, they become "excessive".

    That's my point.

    I wish you would remove any posts reported that do not meet the rules - but you've told me you would not do that.
  10. Yes. You reporting one off topic (to you) post in an auction might not be seen as damaging to us as you think it might be, so no, we won't take action on every single report you do. When it gets out of hand, yes, we will take action. If you choose to not report, that's up to you, but don't direct LZ or others not to based on your opinion of what we do right/wrong.
  11. Yes, but... for auctions it is perfectly simple and black-and-white, in the "read this first" thing,

    Do not post in an auction thread unless it meets one of the following criteria:

    • You are asking a question about the posted item.
    • You are making a bid on an item.
    • You won and are discussing transaction details with the host.
    But if I report someone for posting "only 4 hours to go!" or "wow" or "I'm not going to bid" or "I like pie" it seems you will not always remove the posting.
  12. Of those examples you posted, all of them could be considered relevant other than the "I like pie" one. If you reported someone posting something as random as "I like pie" where it doesn't belong, I promise you it would be removed.
  13. Directly above are the 3 permissible types of post.

    Which of those does "only 4 hours to go" meet?
  14. What about "wow"?
    I could understand "Wow, that's a lot of rupees! You're really rich!", but just "wow"?
  15. My point is that none of the example posts I gave meet the criteria in the rules. Nor do the other two examples you gave, nor does any type of "bumping". But ICC, you're applying your own criteria - that if it is "relevant" it is OK? That's not what it says in the rules...
  16. I've edited the rules to reflect your concern. It's common in most places that some discretion is administered though the staff, but you are right, it should be more clear, and I have done that for you.
  17. (ICC added a criteria, "It is relevant discussion to the auction at hand.")


    So that means, now, if I post "only n hours to go" on my auctions, every hour, that'll be fine?
  18. That might be considered excessive and if it were reported as such, we would take care of it.
  19. I'm sure that the FREQUENCY of these posts will be monitored, or perhaps restricted.
    IcecreamCow likes this.
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