[DISCUSSION] Auction Bumping

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Aug 21, 2012.


What do you think?

I see nothing wrong with auction bumping. Leave the system the way it is. 27 vote(s) 56.3%
I don't like auction bumping, but I have a better solution which I will reveal in the comments. 5 vote(s) 10.4%
I don't like auction bumping, and I think this is a good solution. 8 vote(s) 16.7%
I don't like auction bumping, and I like your solution, but the it should be discouraged, not banned 6 vote(s) 12.5%
I don't participate in auction stuff, so this really doesn't apply to me. 2 vote(s) 4.2%
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  1. Bump.
    Herbrin3 likes this.
  2. Limiting bumps would be better I think. I personally don't mind people occasionally bumping the auction, but bumping it every five minutes? More like spamming peoples alerts.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  3. I haven't had an auction in a while, but what I tried to do was only bump my auctions for the first day or so (and only every few hours), to make sure that everyone who hit the forums had a chance to see it in the "recent thread" section, no matter what time zone they were in. After that, I was just as anxious for the auctions to end as the bidders were, most likely.

    I hate, hate, hate it when auctions drag on forever. Especially the ones with the 48 hour limits. Excessive bumping and begging for bids is really annoying and it clogs up the forums. The problem is knowing where to draw that line, and I don't really have an answer.

    vividOptimism likes this.
  4. Think about how that could be policed.

    5 mins? 1 hour? 5 hours? 5 posts?

    Any/all are a lot of effort to work out.

    "No off-topic posts" is easy. Easy to enforce. I just wish our mods would enforce their own rules - I think the auctions would be a much happier place.

    And that definititely includes all bumps.

    Same as many things here; we already have he rules - we just need mods to enforce them.

    • No begging
    • No spamming the chat
    • NO posting on auctions unless it's a bid
    • No swearing
    • No ALL-CAPS and no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • No discusion of bans <pm mods instead>
    All these are rules; that's fine.

    It's all fine, except there are not enough mods doing enough to enforce it.
  5. Solution: no bumps at all.
  6. How about asking Aikar to build an "auction" section into his new shop system?

    Then there wouldn't be auctions in the sidebar and there'd be no way to bump, or uselessly comment.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  7. Interesting...what would it do exactly though?
  8. I'm not sure, as I'm not entirely sure how this new shop system's going to work, but I was assuming similarly to that
  9. So like /quickauction <item> <minimum increments>
    And the starting bid is 1r and the time needed for an auction to end (with no more bids) is 24h.
    Then someone could do /auction list
    And see all the items currently up for auction. If there's a lot then they could do /auction search <player/item/keyword>
    The auctions would show up in order of most recent bid OR least time remaining.
    will_iamd likes this.
  10. That's the kind of thing I was thinking about. There might be an issue with not all the auctions fitting on the screen at once with the common auction items, but your ideas about listing them according to "most recent bid" etc would sort that out, I suppose.
  11. Yeah, and you could have it like the list of faction commands where there are multiple pages which can be accessed by /auction page <page #>
  12. Simple solution.
    Use your Alt to bump!
    Also I think it is fair because if your like me I make my auctions at 3 in the morning.
  13. I've always found them a bit awkward to use, but then again, I've never had enough practice of using them. But yeah, that would work.
  14. We actually planned on using the ORIGINAL shop update system to add more organized auctions, but the idea was shot down and changed due to a lot of complaints from people. It is still possible but will now be a bit further down the line if we do it, as we are going to of course do the main shop update first and then work on a more website based version later (for auctions, etc.).

    We handle things like this on a case by case basis. If we get reports that things are getting out of line chat wise or bump wise, we'll handle it. It's not a case of "mods not following our rules" as Herb likes to always shout from the rooftops, lol. We do handle things as they're brought up. We have rules, yes, but we also don't like to be super-nazis.
  15. Hi Icecreamcow
    I am very exited to check out the new shop system.

    Both of my malls are shutted down, so im so ready to see what you guys have been doing all this time :)
    Xandrow likes this.
  16. While I am normally very much in favor of the leniency provided by the EMC staff, I have to side with Herbrin3 here, with reason. I have seen dozens of auctions go through that clearly break the rules. They break the rules by auctioning items that are simply not allowed, yet they are permitted, or at least not stopped. Then I will see an auction here or there that is no different than the dozens mentioned above, yet for some reason it gets shut down. It begs the question, why did they shut down Joe's auction but permit John's auction? This question leaves a lot of room for Joe to believe that he was singled out for some reason. I know that this isn't what is happening, but I could see this be an easy misunderstanding.

    I am on the forums here quite a bit, and I cannot figure out any pattern as to which rule breaking auctions are going to be shut down versus which rule breaking auctions are going to be allowed. I don't think the clear auction rules are something that you can bend without setting an expectation of this grey area that doesn't actually exist.

    As with any complaint, a possible solution should be presented, so here it goes. This has been suggested before and I will suggest it again. Forum moderators could easily solve this problem. Being as how the auction rules are extremely black and white, it would be easy for somebody in a new role of "forum moderator" to manage the volume of auctions that the EMC forum gets. The position of forum moderator would hold no power other than to be able to help enforce black and white forum rules that the in-game moderators and admins may not have time to address.

    My $.02
  17. It comes down to which auctions get reported. Every single person that sends me a message about an auction gets that auction investigated, and if it doesn't follow the rules, I give them a chance to meet the rules, or close it. If no one reports it, it doesn't get modified.

    Think of it like chat, if two players PM each other and curse, are we going to punish them for it? If they both don't care, we don't care (as long as it doesn't effect anyone else).

    Lunchtime - I'll be back to finish my thought / response (sorry but krysyy is waiting on me).
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  18. The reason that some of that happens is simply that we don't get the reports for them. We have experience in communities and I can say that splitting up the staff into different sections only results in confusion and more headaches than it does good. As long as auctions/rules broken are reported to the staff, they will be taken care of. :)
    margaritte likes this.
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