
Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by hayjam, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Using the suggestion of rape is not fair in this situation, it's not a topic nor example you should use to compare two situations completly on the other end of the spectrum. No one is rape-free or unrapable, you can not prevent it happening to yourself and when it does happen, it is deeply stressing and horrible as it will affect your life, permanently.

    On the other hand, there is nothing stopping you from locking a chest, apart from the price of 1000r. (If you can't pay the 1000r, you can either choose to have an unprotected chest at your own will, not live in the wild and stay at your residence, or play for enough time to naturally gain the 1000r). Also, let me remind you, when you join the empire, you go through a vigorous guide, which does state how to secure your chest, if you do not follow this instruction the person obviously couldn't be bothered to take note of the guide.
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  2. So you're saying if I find an unsecured chest in the Wild, it's ok to plunder it.
  3. This is in town. So your post is wrong in this case:/
  4. Psst. I posted pics and the res # in the sticky thread:p
  5. Still bothers me regardless of where it happened.
  6. *Confused, i was talking about the ice farm*
  7. No, it isn't ok, it's against the rules. But on the other hand, if anyone was to take anything, the person would get in trouble if they were caught. But it's also the other persons fault as they failed to secure their chest.
  8. So if I take your stuff it's your fault.
  9. Do you think anyone would r a 90 year old woman?
  10. Not to be horrible here but um, this does happen. As a matter of fact there was a nurse at a Rest Home/Nursing Home in my hometown who did this to his patients both male and female.

  11. Good Idea