smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. So I saw the Hive and all the other stuff. It's pretty much everything the first Resident Evil film had. Like as close as possible. It appears they are like us only more centered and hidden stuff above and below ground.
  2. I like to think of it more like that:
    Jakres, indgomom, shavingfoam and 4 others like this.

  3. more like this
  4. The more I look at the photos we posted the more I realize we have all of those and more :D

  5. I think they just want to do their own thing recreating some structures from the game. I know some LLO members that seem to be part of Umbrella too. They do a different thing and are a bit paranoid sometimes. But so are we. I advise we try to stay on friendly relations with them. If they wonder about LLO members tell them to check out lists to see if they are really part of LLO or just random ppl and vice versa (if Umbrella has a member list).
  6. I have a question. Anyone know who built the huge structure where my dock used to be? Also, if you were the one who did it, where is my wood? I'd like the materials you tore up, since they are mine after all.
    And the mining you're doing under my house, please don't come up into my floor.

    Attached Files:

    Jakres likes this.
  7. Is that is the swamps to the north? I went there earlier and the structure was already there. Saw no signs of who did it. How big was your dock? Maybe put a sign up so the builder knows you want your stuff.

    Also I advise any new members to keep some distance and be respectful of others work, even small stuff. Put a sign up, try to to contact them here. We welcome huge builds and will help to find a nice spot. So please save us all some trouble and talk to us BEFORE you start construction. Much easier than to work out and restore the piece among neighbors.
  8. Well LLO, my treehouse is ALMOST complete...if anyone has extra glass blocks they would like to donate, I would glady accept as that is the item I keep running out of! I have made myself quite at home in LLO and am madly in love with it! I mourned the loss of my beloved Pink Line, but have gotten used to the wonderful new Obsidian line (ty Dwight!) I am so glad I made the loooong run up to LLO last week!!!

    On another note, one of my "partners in crime" (Tatsu_Shiro) likes to do massive projects. He has an idea for a high rise building featuring condos. We would like the communiy's permission for this project to be a part of LLO. Please let us know if you are in favor of this or not. I appreciate your consideration! :)

    I will be seeing you all around the outpost! Feel free to take the Obsidian Line out to the jungle and visit my treehouse anytime! I'm right next door to Cambria! :D

    Lovez and such,
  9. Thanks for letting us know. Maybe post some shots of the area where your partner wants to build it. So we can discuss it and plan how it will connect to the rail etc.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. Well if the ocelots like it I guess it works :D

    Alos I added the ideas list I posted some dozen pages earlier on the pad and tried to cross out the things already done or in planning.
    Feel free to add your ideas and / or give credit. This is just a crude draft / copy of the list basically.
    We can use the list made in the pad and put in on the site soon as a way to try to start to keep track of who made what.
    Jakres and creepincreepers7 like this.
  11. The thing is, I would have given up the space freely. All they had to do is ask. That's the major issue I had. Ask me if I was using the area, which outside of the dock, I wasn't. I'd have given it to them happily. I was a little pi$$ed earlier when I wrote that I wanted my stuff back. Haven't been able to get on much recently & first thing I find when I get on is that my new neighbor has done that. I'll let it go. No warring neighbors from me. :D
    But to whoever is building, if you read this, please ask before you do anything else that requires building/mining extremely close to my house.
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  12. I can give you a ton of sand, if that would help.
    Jakres and indgomom like this.
  13. Thanks for understanding. We have lots of new members and not everyone checks the forums. But I agree 100% with what you said. Most people are happy to give up a small area they took for some big project if they are asked.
    Esp since we are in the wild without any technical way of claiming space asking and communications is the only way we can handle things :)
    Jakres and HillbillyBeastly like this.
  14. If you add some underground rail lines to it it fits some areas of the LLO xD
    Jakres likes this.
  15. Rail update: The stations on the obsidian line are now up nothing has change it just looks nicer and looks like transportation hubs, next mini-update is making the bridge look like a bridge :D
    Jakres, shavingfoam, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  16. I'm thinking of starting construction of the museum after I finish working on the NLL. Any requests of where the site should be?
    Jakres and mr_petter like this.
  17. After the archery (which will take some time) I am happy to help on a museum. I suggest a site at the edges (maybe the west) as it should be big. Maybe we can form another LLO organization to make this thing. Each member could be responsible for a "wing" of the museum. As for the looks I suggest a huge stone brick structure with columns. There are some in town we can use as inspiration.
    Jakres likes this.