Reset Needed??

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Munchie86, Jul 9, 2012.


Should the empire wild's be reset again?

Poll closed Jul 16, 2012.
Yes 18 vote(s) 22.8%
No 54 vote(s) 68.4%
I really don't care 7 vote(s) 8.9%
  1. I actually spent the better part of two days trying to cover over the bad areas with dirt.. I got a very small section done and by the third day it was so blown up with creeper holes and where people had dug through that I might as well had not been there at all.

    It would take 15 - 20 people per server working every day for a couple hours to keep it looking like it should. Please, feel free to take on the responsibility of organizing that :)
  2. It's all fine and good doing stuff in the background but that's not what get's people to join the server, I'm sure 99% of us don't really care if the servers using 1% less CPU, Also notice how I was talking of the PRA, I'm fully against a full wild reset.
  3. Why? I thought you were arguing for the reset. Leaving the wild in various states of decay would surely win votes for a successful reset.. :)
  4. It was months ago that I did that. Someone had tried to start a wild restoration group. It just become pointless though. I couldn't repair it faster than it was getting broken.
  5. No I know it's a futile effort someone build a bridge on smp6 wild and that gets griefed all the time. but it still works and yeah must have taken weeks of work.
  6. Who said anything about economy? This server was designed so you could gather what you need to build from the wild and return to the town to build.

    I'm sorry some people don't like that. But I have to ask why did you join a server that doesn't support building in the wild if you want to build in the wild?
  7. Oh, I know what you mean. I took this threads advice and started rebuilding using "free dirt" on smp4, and in just one day, it's already being griefed. Someone actually greifed it while I was building...What's the point really? You know?
  8. The last big update of the wild and nether was about 3 months ago, most ppl don't want it completely updated for several reasons a few are, ppl living there also xp farms.

    This server is mostly based on an economy, you go to the wild gather resources come back to town build and / or sell what you brought back.

    the down side is ppl will always mine as close to spawn as they can, mainly because they are lazy and can't be bothered to travel out further to get materials.

    Just is looking at ways of adding protection to some parts of the wild this may help for ppl who live in the wile but as you can imagen this is complicated.

    Their is a lot of prep that goes into setting up the servers for 1.3 in addition there are bugs that need to corrected all of this those not correct it self, it need to be programmed and tested constantly.

    Also consider there is 10 servers that 10 wilds with 5 spawn points on each and 10 nether's with 10 spawn points in total 10 world seeds and 10 nether's with 60 spawn points.

    This is just some of the stuff justin and his team have to do, you could also add in all the problems that DDoss hack caused which ment loseing the website for a week, while all server information was migration to a new hosting company.

    and this is only the stuff that we know about atm!!!

    As for the team being lazy and doing nothing, well I think this says it all
  9. I joined Empire because it was advertised as a Near-Vanilla server, meaning apart from the town, there aren't like 20 plugins running in the wild doing this and doing that. You are basically stating that EMC is not a vanilla server and no one has a right to build in the wild because it where the money comes from, and that we must be limited to a 60x60 (or 120x120 in utopia) square box that limits freedom of expression.
  10. This is the thread that never ends
    It just goes on and on, my friends!
    Someone replied to it, not knowing what it was
    And they'll just keep replying to it simply just because...
  11. They want to win.
  12. There is no winning. It is decided.
  13. You can reset with WorldEdit as I assume it is installed on the servers, select the area you want to reset, type //regen. Or else you can type //chunk to select the chunks, and then do //regen. It may lag a little though.
  14. That would be to easy to find the spawner's and stuff that where found before that why they use a new seed
  15. That's true.
  16. Where do they not support wild building? Do you know Aikar? He is a wild advocate. He is also a Mod! That makes him a big part of the server. If they dont support living in the wild, then why is Aikar basically advertising wild living advice? You know why they have locked chests? So people can LIVE in the wild. You know why they give you free vault use before and after a wild reset? Because they care, and support, people who live in the wild. You know why they have the ability to hide on the map for supporters? So that people can live in the wild. You seem to have this silly idea that the vanilla Empire revolves around you and your non-vanilla town...
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  17. He does have a point though....
  18. no reset plz
  19. Jk you seem to be ignoring everything I say. I'm hurt. :(