I don't know how to explain this anymore for those of you who don't understand. There was a bird trapped in an orb, but only because I said so. The objects didn't really exist. So I can easily say that the bird is free.
You said the bird existed and was inside the orb. Then you said the bird didn't exists. That's lying, at least in a riddle like sense.
Well on an atomic level you cannot destroy or create atoms. Therefore the bird's and the glass's atoms are indivisible. This means you cant destroy either! And a question does the bird die if its in the orb? If not simply wait...as glass over thousands "flows" proved a liquid where at old churches now have glass panes where wafer thin at the top and thick at the bottom.
It is a paradox. It was trapped because I said so. I can also say it is free. It existed only because I said so.
I am sorry to those who are mad. I asked a question Glasi13 gave me the right answer. Your entitled to your opinion to think the answer is stupid but it is still the answer.
Well on an atomic level you cannot destroy or create atoms. Therefore the bird's and the glass's atoms are indivisible. This means you cant destroy either! And a question does the bird die if its in the orb? If not simply wait...as glass over thousands "flows" proved a liquid where at old churches now have glass panes where wafer thin at the top and thick at the bottom.
And that is not a riddle, since the fundamental clue to solve it is not shared. As before, all I argue is trying to qualify it as a riddle. If you want to call it a paradox, a mental exercise, or other name I have no problem. In a riddle, the riddle master (that would be you if this were a riddle) is forced to tell the truth. When someone asks if the bird or orb are real, you must either don't answer, since that would give away the trick of the riddle, or say the truth, ej: "they are real to me". Since you answered "They are real", all possible answers were they were not real were disregarded in the future. That is inconsistent with the final answer were they were only as real as you decided they were. Ergo, this was not a riddle.
It seems that no one understands the answer. I think all I did was make people mad; this was probably a bad idea.
LOL guys and gals, this was a bit of fun. No need to point fingers and argue analogies. HylianNinja decided they wanted to give away rupees and they are free to do so. (thankfully to me)
Also I would like to add. You asked if the glass was solid and hollow and if the bird was alive. Not if they were real.