Help. Marriage fish was actual helpful in my real life...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by LittleRobotSeffy, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. Help. Oh no. Marriage fish as a concept was actually helpful today in my actual life.
    How can I now be more silly and less serious?
  2. i mean if u getting maried tnx to a marage fish
    irl i mean marage fish maybe becomes the irl standart of marage
    607 likes this.
  3. You seem to be already there. Channel your inner-smp8-you-worry-me and take the plunge.

    If it helps, I have added Marriage Fish to my Chapel area on smp8. For those afraid to make the full commitment, there is Friendship Fish. To keep them company, there is Divorce Cactus, Divorce Papers and Divorce Fish. When re-reading the forums, I discovered the the so-called Vow renewal was missing and then added the Wasabi Vow Renewal.
    Only the Friendship Fish is new to you...

    Never mine straight up or mine straight down. Lava is rarely your friend. Phantoms hurt more than chickens when they attack. Pufferfish are only fun in town (peaceful). Creepers always suck.
    If any of this reminder helps to get you through your day, then my job is done.
  4. If I may ask: how exactly was it helpful...? Did you propose to someone using a fish?
  5. I am curious too! In any case I like this thread. :D
  6. seffy´s visit has been officially inscribed in the Tower for future posterity, alongside 1 Wasabi Vow Renewal.

    May you forever be fished.
  7. Love sure is fishy in many ways.
    KatydidBuild likes this.
  8. It was in regards to explaining complex systems. I actually do have a chart that explains exactly how everyone on SMP8 is married. At least the methods. As wife-maker prime, it's important to keep track of my collateral wives. Also, as I am wife to many wife there are further layers of wife. This nonsense was unfortunately useful in my actual job.
    NuclearBobomb, 607, ultipig and 4 others like this.
  9. NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  10. i want that chard i litterly hang it onmy wall lol
  11. I don't know how I could currently get that to you and I am sorry for it.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  12. 👋
    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  13. sad
  14. im sad dont u have pictures or footage from it like frames
  15. Fred_TWK and ultipig like this.
  16. this chard
  17. I'm sorry to say that I have no way of posting that here at this time.
    NuclearBobomb and 607 like this.
  18. Maybe it is better if we all have to just imagine it, anyway. :D
    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  19. u can edit out pipel and names