[AMA] - I'm Bored

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by GreenMeanie, Apr 23, 2024.



Pickles :) 9 vote(s) 100.0%
Pickles :( 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Howdy folks... I'm a bit overdue for my 10 year EMC AMA post, and I just remembered about it today.

    You know how these things work. Ask me anything.

    Let's get some questions out of the way

    Q: What is your bank account number?
    A: 37

    Q: What's your favorite color?
    A: Blue

    Q: What are you doing right now?
    A: Replaying the argument I had with the Domino's delivery driver in my head because I won and I'm proud.

    Q: Do you like pickles?
    A: Idk... But check this out https://empireminecraft.com/threads/pickles.87645/
    NuclearBobomb, farmerguyson and Sefl like this.
  2. Im very curious what you argued with the dominos driver about :confused:
    GreenMeanie and Sefl like this.
  3. Got 6 Questions!
    NuclearBobomb and GreenMeanie like this.
  4. Guy ran into my yard and there's a tire dent in my grass.. I just mowed and made it all pretty

    Mhmm... Let's try this

    Me, me, now, here, cuz, ya know
    Sefl likes this.
  5. Why pickles? why not pickled onions?
  6. What about pickled herring? The one in clear wine vinegar, not the other kind.
  7. On a scale from vegetable to doorknob, what is the best color in the alphabet? (Excluding triangle of course)
    farmerguyson and GreenMeanie like this.
  8. What is your favorite type of pig?
    GreenMeanie likes this.
  9. Since birth, I've only eaten pickles. It's all I know.

    Never had it. Is that what happens when you throw pickles at a fish? Might have to try it some day

    The kind on my McMuffin >:)
    NuclearBobomb and ultipig like this.
  10. Do you ever think of going to a ski resort, not to ski but to throw a snowball down the slope to see if it turns into a huge snowball as it rolls?
    NuclearBobomb, GreenMeanie and Envine like this.
  11. Oh absolutely.. I'm extremely cheap, so I'd never pay the entrance fee just for that.

    We have a really big hill on one of our properties that we used for sledding when we were kids. I did the snowball thing more times than I can count. It never really worked and kinda wobbled down the hill and wasn't too exciting.
    farmerguyson likes this.
  12. I've actually asked myself this question a lot in the past... A while ago, my answer would've been 7, but lately I think it would have to be a Sausage McGriddle with Cheese and extra mousepad.
    triphora, ultipig, Sefl and 1 other person like this.
  13. What was your biggest regret in life?
  14. Doing that thing that one time... You know how it is
  15. I feel that. What one regrets when you die is not what you did, rather what you did not do.
    ultipig likes this.