im daanhu the dictator of emc daanhu for dictator 2024

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by daanhu, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. im daanhu the all michty dictator of minecraft
    im normaly a little sus

    i have a great story
    basicly i dit have wood class but i normaly am serious and bizzy
    but some pipel in my class just do stupit stuf like diping pices of wood in gliter becouse ther bored
    the same guy that came up with the gliter stick idea
    at the end of the leson we dit wachts a movie he got bored so he put 2 pillows behind his shirt and
    started runing around and doin silly voices
    the pont be ing then he was done with that kept the pillows behind his shirt and dit grab a mesurement stick and sait {lets say it was his nose } was fairy big i dint believe him so he told me wana see
    so he pulled down his pants revealing swiming trunks than the teacher dit just stant there for atleast 2 minutes waching from the little window in the door
    the boy run around in his swiming trunks with 2 pilows behind his shirt let me remind you hes 17
  2. Sounds like all discipline went out of the window after COVID-19. :rolleyes:
    We3_MPO likes this.
  3. yea I behave my self because u need to be a man of culture to be dictator
    and u need to be me so I kind of like school
    note my culture stat is real high
    note I go to a school where u do 90% technical education so i don't know what they even complaining about
    but u have like 2 to 4 hours or so math and stuff in the week and the rest is
    all making stuff welding wood working
    I make tables and cut and shave wood
    and the guy that actually was with the pillows behind his shirt made a glitter stick
    he got a stick from a broom and the teacher told him to stick the glitter on there 1 for 1 than he decided to put hot glou all over the stick and than throw all the glitter over the table and throw half of it on the ground and rub the stick all over the table the point be Ing this happens every thirst day
    607 likes this.
  4. wood working is rilly cool but u can do tings rilly by the millimeter
    becouse most macines or table saws and drils and other things have mesuremets riten on them note some saws like the 1 we have at school have a lazer
    the point is most pipel dont actuly tink about this but your saw blade is around 3 to 4 millimeters
    if u have a pice of wood thats 500milimeters that need to be cut in the same in both 250milimeters u cant becouse 1 pice will always have 4milimeters less so waht u do is pick a bigger pice of wood
    thats atleast 520milimeters minimum so 52cm
    u most of the time need to take of atleast a tinny bit at the end since u want clean straigt sides
    so u would first take 4 millimeters or so from 1 side than u have stil more left than your 250 total than u put your saw on 250 millimeters and just put both pices troug the saw but u also need to mesure the saw 1 time or 2 times since u dont want to mess up a big pice of wood always mesure extra my teacher always tells me meten is weten thats duchts for if u mesure u know or somting like that the point is wood working is simple compared to working with steel wood is somting that lives your house can be build and can be in the winter 5 cm smaller than in the sumer depeding on size so if u build a house or a gaint roof u shut be exspected that u are a little of this needs to be kept to a minimum but with steel u need to work 10x smaller profecional wood working compared to steel working is prety in acurate
    even if a milimeter is acurate imagen needing to go 10x that
    607 likes this.
  5. Interesting stuff! Maybe it would make more sense to make a thread about woodworking though, rather than this thread with its silly title.
  6. You got my vote bro.
  7. i will be campaning gor a for a rigged election xd
    #daanhu for dictator
  8. Not sure if an election needs to happen if it's always going to end up with you as the winner. The illusion of choice is fun.
    We3_MPO and 607 like this.
  9. Sorry, if I'm going to hand over all my free will and decision-making to someone, I'd really prefer if that person could spell their way out of a Chinese takeout box. Maybe you could get a translator?
  10. that would be rilly hard my dutch typing is also not that good but im from de achterhoek and i tink u would just get random noncence thats even worse than it is now exsample i am learning for a exam but the exsame is in like duchts or like in the middle duchts with out regional adons like changing words
    the problem is i have a habit of using a lot of those words its weart i dont call it a varken i call it a zeug or a beer kip i call it tuten auto ooto or u speak it out with a long oo not forklift forks but we call them spoons or in duchts or in my accent lepels
    i tink translator will make it worse
    607 likes this.
  11. A 'zeug' is actually a female pig in Dutch, and a 'beer' a male pig. Good luck with the exam!
  12. i know lol but i somtimes say varken but somtimes also beer or zeug but it is like automatic
    somtimes i dont say it other times i say it like that its kinda weart