As many of you know, there was only one free supporter contest, and many of you are waiting for the next competition. Maybe IcecreamCow and JustinGuy haven't had enough time to set one up but I think they might need ideas. My idea is that the 3 top people that vote for EMC the most in one month win the supporter. It would awesome if people could post their own ideas to maybe "spark" the minds of IcecreamCow and JustinGuy. Ideas mba2012 -EMC promotional video redwing2000 -best EMC music video jkjkjk182 -lottery ignoamoose -Redstone circuits, wool art, buildings, etc. Something that takes a week to do, and a week of judging max. -Either that, or hide a sign in the wild, first person to post a screenshot of it wins. zulu9 -build the best X in Y amount of time Chascarrillo -biggest EMC tribute monument Assassin1010123 -best short EMC movie IamSaj -montage of EMC Sneeker134 -Pvp challenge. Kills the most in the alloted time DogsRNice -Best tower Happyshopper -Supporter credits. (You get them with a referal)
I think we should have to create a promotional video and put it on you tube. I would almost defiantly win that.
''Don't worry. We'll for sure have more things coming up. Just had a lot of life and Minecraft things going on recently. '' That's from ICC from the old win a free supporters thread.
I posted an idea exactly like that in a thread about voting for EMC in
The issue I see there is that you can only vote once per day per account. Given the idea of free supporter for a month, I'm sure that several people would vote each day, giving a large multi-way tie.
Make it a lottery, everyone who tied gets their name put in a "hat" of some kind, then they pick three names
Let me put it this way, do you like multi-choice tests or short response tests? I like multi-choice test because you have at least one of the answers right there. I hope it will be that way with IcecreamCow and JustinGuy.
I mean did you stop reading half way through? The lottery takes no skill and it is not fair to randomly give out the supportership.