How about we make it a lottery, where there is a certain prize, and the more you vote, the more your name it put into the "hat?" I think that would help a lot. Make it, say, 5 diamond blocks. That would motivate a lot of people Or make it 1st, 2nd, 3rd chosen style. 1st= diamond membership, 2nd=gold membership, 3rd= iron membership. Just an idea
This really does need to be addressed, on a game where most people play on multiple servers you are more likely to use your 1 vote a day on the server with the biggest benefits. Especially seen as this is a vanilla server and the competition can offer abilities aswell as items and money. I think the option to vote should be given its own tab on the main page of the website aswell, or at the very least put it in the quick links of the rupees tab.