[AMA] What is a wafflecoffee?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by triphora, Mar 2, 2020.

  1. <wafflecoffee>
    I am known by some as wafflecoffee, by some as Sydney4363, and by lots as "who?" I'm going to hop on the bandwagon and make my own ask me (just about) anything. I reserve the right not to answer any question I don't want to, of course, but ask as many as you want. Heck, there might even be some prizes if you do ask questions, who knows.
  2. I just assumed it was "waffles and coffee" without spaces or conjunctions. Was I mistaken?
  3. are your waffles plain or do they contain fruit or are they chocolate or do they have chocolate chips?
  4. wafflecoffee [WAH-ful-caw-fee] n. a reference to their website, https://waffle.coffee.
    I am whoever you want me to be, and also nothing at the same time...
  5. Why Syndey?
  6. My irl name?
  7. It's that time of the year again ;)

    What are some of your favorite memories from your time on EMC?
    607 likes this.
  8. So, you are a paradox . . . or not. :p
  9. Ooh... hmm... My favorite memory was probably the joy I got when I won a "mall survey" by UltiPig. It was when I was still very inexperienced and very new to EMC, and I remember I was so incredibly happy when I saw 75k had been added to my /bal. I ended up spending all of it (and then some) on an iron voucher (back when those costed ~80k), and redeemed it to become iron supporter for the first time.
    Possibly... or not?
    MoreMoople, _Susu_ and 607 like this.
  10. Flavoring to add to coffee or drizzled over ice cream. IS THAT COOL ?

    MoreMoople, _Susu_ and wafflecoffee like this.
  11. Never seen that before, could you send a bottle over to me? :D Time to go hunting on Amazon...
    _Susu_ likes this.
  12. actually i found it on etsy.
    _Susu_ and wafflecoffee like this.
  13. Exactly . . . :rofl: :lmao:
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  14. Hey Sydney 0/

    So.. have you considered making coffee flavored waffles?
    _Susu_ likes this.
  15. Hey Raaynn \o
    I've got a bit of a confession... I actually don't like coffee... It's far too bitter for my liking.
    _Susu_ and Raaynn like this.
  16. Coffee flavored syrup on waffles?
  17. See above answer ^^
    _Susu_ likes this.
  18. Ahh, the irony . . .
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  19. Wafflecoffee or Coffeewaffle?
  20. Neither, the w is always uncapitalized. Saying Wafflecoffee is like saying Neptunesaucer, the capitalization just doesn't feel right.
    _Susu_ and 607 like this.