[EMPIRE] Community Empire -True Haven - SMP7

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Eviltoade, Oct 23, 2018.

  1. So out of curiosity: there are only 9 joining members ahead of me in this thread. Where did the 10th that bumped me off the list come from?
  2. The "original 10" is temporary / symbolic to decide a name for the outpost - they will receive no special treatment or "power" in the (Empire) outpost. This is simply a community outpost for anyone who wants to join. :)
  3. Only cool recognition :cool:
  4. I'll join if you all will have me..
    Eviltoade likes this.
  5. I will join. I enjoy building stuff, as anyone who has ever seen one of my bases can attest to. :cool::)

    One question. How long will the travel time be to get there from an outpost?
    Eviltoade likes this.
  6. It takes only minutes :) Which, once we get started we will definitely talk about when/where to use buildmode (given that it is not particularly far from an outpost).
    purplebook163 likes this.
  7. Sounds good. :cool:
    Eviltoade likes this.
  8. I also would be interested. Love to build all variety of structures. Looking forward to this.
    Eviltoade and purplebook163 like this.
  9. One thing I am good at is keeping farms well planted.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  10. im in
    Eviltoade likes this.
  11. Can I *hop* in the boat?
    Eviltoade and Smooshed_Potato like this.
  12. Can I join
    Eviltoade likes this.
  13. im down to make some roads
    Eviltoade likes this.
  14. I found the thread!! I'm so in for this! :D
    Eviltoade likes this.
  15. Looking for more members - we are having a lot of fun so far lol
  16. Can I join?
    Eviltoade likes this.
  17. You're in :)

    Added you to the Original PM, and please refer to the OP for how to join our discord group!!

    We have established our name, guilds, and districts (for the most part) - we are now moving forward with temporary buildings for storage and generally moving materials out to the Housing District.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  18. sorry i havent been on to help i have been super busy talking with "someone special"haveing to plan with her parents our first date so ill try to get on this weekend
    MoreMoople, Eviltoade and Sazukemono like this.
  19. I'll join :p
    Eviltoade likes this.