[Closed] 1 Stack of Buckets

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Sefl, Aug 21, 2018.


Copy me please?

Yes 1 vote(s) 20.0%
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  1. Up for auction is 1 stack of Buckets
    Starting bid 50r
    Minimum Bid Increment 5r

    Auction ends 5 MINUTES after Last VALID! Bid

    Pickup is at 5389 on utopia!
    607 likes this.
  2. i belive you are literally 1 second too late >_< it says moments ago on your and 5 minutes on slvr
  3. congratz youve won now that ik it says 1minute on Villagers and 6 minutes on yours! so it has ended 5 minutes after this bid! access is being set up
  4. I know this auction is passed, however I'd like to comment that THE_OP_VILLAGER was 3 seconds within the 5-minute limit, posting 297 seconds after Slvr.

    You can check if you examine the page source, as the '12 minutes ago' is just short hand rounding for the precise timestamp.
    TasteOfTerror, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  5. :confused: did not realize that.... will have to do that from now on! thank u JP
  6. Oh gawd so who won slvr can have them
  7. So Elfin and I did some testing to see if what JP said is accurate. The line that we believe JP is talking about is the following:
    <abbr class="DateTime" data-time="1534901908" data-diff="4410" data-datestring="Aug 21, 2018" data-timestring="9:38 PM">Aug 21, 2018 at 9:38 PM</abbr>
    The "data-time" is a value that shows the number of seconds that have passed since January 1st, 1970, 12:00am UTC. Using this number, you can narrow down a comment's post time to the time in seconds of when the comment was posted.

    The HTML above is for the post in question, THE_OP_VILLAGER's bid. Using the data-time value and trusty Wolfram Alpha, we can pin down THE_OP_VILLAGER's bid to be at precisely 9:38:28pm EMC time, which is actually 28 seconds after the auction's ending time. You can see that math here:
    http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1534901908 seconds after January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC

    Unfortunately JP, I'm not sure what happened but our results seem to be different from yours. If you disagree with this above math, could you send me a PM with more details about how you got your time?

    As I said, Elfin and I did some testing using the above math. We made a few posts in the staff forums testing post times, and found that for any comment posted between the 00 and 59 second mark, including 59 seconds, the shortened time on the post is always rounded down. Based on our testing, this shows that post time in regards to auctions, will always be correct since they will always be based at 00 seconds.

    As such, we can determine that Slvr had the winning bid at 50r.
    Lukas3226, 607 and JesusPower2 like this.
  8. Fantastic. Thanks, Elfin and JD.
  9. So who’s paying?
  10. Hehe, time math is fun!

    If you also pull the timestamp for Slvr's bid you'll see that it was not at 9:33:00pm, but rather 9:33:31pm. (31 seconds after the minute.)

    Also, I just thought it was amusing to troll through the html code looking for timestamps and didn't expect anyone to actually do this. In developer-land it's very funny. (trust me)

    So I used:
    Slvr's bid at 1534901611
    THE_OP_VILLAGER at 1534901908.

    So subtracting those I got a delta of 297 seconds, 3 seconds within the 300 seconds (5-minute) expiration.
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  11. Thanks, I was looking for that, as I was almost certain the time in seconds must be noted somewhere, but I couldn't find it in the place I usually find it at. :p
  12. Perhaps Auction post timestamps should include seconds so that your average player can easily determine Auction outcomes without relying on Staff or mucking around in HTML code.
  13. Splitting hairs in HTML code is not what we're interested in doing.

    Therefore, as of this point, an auction's ending time is determined by the time elapsed according to the timestamp shown, with all bids placed within the last defined metric (minute) allowed.

    So for example if the time is 5 minutes since last bid:

    Valid Auction Bid Difference:

    NOT Valid Auction Bid Difference:

    We'll add these to the current auction rules shortly.
    Pab10S and JesusPower2 like this.
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