Super fast playing has been apart of metal way before Deathcore, look at Speed Metal in the 70s, and early Thrash. Double bass drums were used by Ginger Baker in Cream in the 60s, yet early heavy metal wasn't very innovative to you I guess. Deep screaming I guess is pretty much a staple of Deathcore lol
Same with me, although to enjoy a good instrumental you have to have a tolerable vocalist, I wouldn't be able to stand a whole band which has good instrumentals, but a terrible vocalist, it's like pie without icecream, it's good without it, but with icecream it makes it much better. Just listened to them, I in no way doubt their vocal skill, and I know metal growling and screaming takes a huge amount of talent, dedication and skill, but just because they have that skill doesn't mean I would listen to them all day.
You had a point with speed metal. But how fast are those double bass drums in Ginger Baker, huh? With deathcore, those legs move so amazingly fast it's a wonder how they keep it on the beat. Some drummers in deathcore make that bass drum sound like a rapid fire machine gun.
Ever heard of Dave Lombardo of Slayer? Slayer was before Deathcore, hell, they were even an influence on it most likely
It's fine, it's not a nasty arguement, pretty good that we have disagreements in this though, it expands our knowledge and helps us to understand metal and eachother as a whole
Why is this annoying you when this is your first time posting and you haven't posted an image of this post? And, it's my thread. Whatcha gonna do about it m8? It is. B E A U T I F U L N O I S E
So tired right now. Was looking at the first page as if it was what was posted today and was in awe that people would have had random screenshots of things from 2017. Apparently I was looking at the old posts and thought something else.