I've always wondered this. Different emojis/emoticons like :P or :) mean different things for everyone, I've noticed, and different people seem to use different ones. Like me, for example. I use .v. or ._. quite a lot (i usually use these when im embarrassed or ashamed or shy i dont know, you get the idea) Which ones do you use the most? Have you invented your own? How much do you use them? I'd really like to hear peoples opinions!
I can find the use of to be really smarmy, especially when people use it to accompany criticism they are presenting to you. "Yeah, this should be changed to this, or maybe something else..." ""Yeah, this should be changed to this, or maybe something else... " Looks more condescending to me.
I use >.> a lot. First it is easy to type. I internally think of them as squinty eyes - showing distaste for something either said or something I did.
I use when being sarcastic, or after stating something negative. is for when I don't know how to end a sentence without it seeming slightly rude. Haven't used this outside of EMC since I was thirteen (so, like, five years). I use when joking around with my e-gf to make her feel uncomfortable. She doesn't like this one.
I use with a very alarming frequency and I'm not sure why... I also like the way looks but it's difficult to find a good occasion to use it! I say XD a lot as well (in Minecraft chat)
Lol, I added Aikar to round out the 12 that were there (mild OCD). If we added a Krysyy one, I'd need 5 more to accompany it
(╯=▃= )╯︵┻━┻ = mood, everyday (Emoji flipping a table). I'm old fashion I guess. I think these still count, right?
Huh, that's interesting. I do often add those as well, to indeed accompany criticism. I wonder if there are more people that feel this way, that would make the measure possibly work counterproductively. old fashion? It's simply a difference of Kaomoji versus Western emoticons. I do think Western emoticons are older. Emoticons were only brought into common use with the advent of e-mail. Back when e-mail was introduced, computers only supported ASCII characters. As most of the characters used in Kaomoji aren't a part of the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), Kaomoji could not yet be typed in that time. It's only with the introduction of Unicode that these more sophisticated characters were able to be used. Hm, do I know more about this than most people? A post of my own is incoming! I think I should do something productive first, though, I've been on EMC for hours. Edit: I felt like I needed to add that some Kaomoji could be typed with only ASCII, like (^.^) et cetera. Definitely not the one you posted, though.
When I was younger I thought the harddisk sectors were emoji's in windows explorer. I had a C disk and a D disk, C was the main one and thus had all my stuff on it. When I searched in C, it could find my stuff and the bar above said something like "C:/[what you were searching]", and when I searched something in D, where was nothing on, it would say something like "D:/[what you were searching]" Obviously, C: is a happy emoji for 'yay, we found something!' and D: a sad emoji for 'Oh no, we couldn't find anything!'
Nooo, I didn't take a back-up of my post and it refreshed for some reason, while I was only gone for a few seconds to look up an Emoji. I'll rewrite it later though, don't worry! I'm too passionate about this to let it go!
I feel like my emoticon use is rather sophisticated. I'll tell you some things. First off, I tend not to use Emoji. Exceptions are 👍🏿, 👌🏾 and, more recently, 🤔. I think my main reason for not liking to use Emoji is that they look very different from device to device. For example, if I will read this post on my iPad, the three Emoji I posted above will look great. Seeing them now on Windows though, they appear a bit small, and the third Emoji honestly doesn't look that good. I still use it though, because I assume most people know how it looks in iOS or Discord. I use ASCII emoticons a lot, when writing on fora or talking with friends. When writing official papers, I try not to use them, but sometimes it's hard. There's one forum where I created custom emoticons, and because of that I use ASCII emoticons there very rarely, as I have created a personalised equivalent of almost every XenForo and ASCII emoticon I know. On EMC, I also don't use ASCII emoticons too often, because I really like the old XenForo emoticons we've got here. I almost always let my ASCII emoticons be replaced by them, except in the case of :D versus , because the latter is 'big grin' and not 'happy'. Another emoticon I don't always allow to be replaced is :). I'm honestly not sure on when and why I don't, and I almost always do. The emoticon is one of my favourites, and I use it fairly often. However, I haven't ever seen any equivalent besides this one emoticon and the one I created myself, inspired by this one. Because I still often want to use it, I sometimes simply write :rolleyes: in chats. I am afraid people might think I mean 🙄, which is very different. But I don't know what to do about it, besides copying and pasting the picture, and that's not too convenient either, as it won't fit in the line then, unless I'm writing on another forum. I use one emoticon that uses Unicode: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I use it pretty often, too. I don't really use Kaomoji, but I do sometimes use upright emoticons that are a bit of a mixture of Japanese and Western styles. Sometimes I use ; w ; or ; - ;, both of which Alice taught me. I've also used owo for a bit, but only while she was using it a lot talking to me. I also use ._. and -_-, and sometimes ^.^. Chickeneer mentioned >.>. I use three variations of that: <.< means someone else did something wrong, >.< means I did something wrong, and >.> means you did something wrong. I wonder if people talking to me actually notice this nuance. ... I think that's all for now.